【大家说英语】 第327期:琳达受伤进了医院(在线收听

   Linda is at the hospital? 琳达现在在医院?

  Yes. She's in the emergency room. 是的。她在急诊室。
  Why aren't you with her? 为什么你没和她在一起?
  I'm picking up some things for her. 我给她带些东西。
  How did she get to the emergency room? 她是怎么去的急诊室?
  I drove her there. She's not badly hurt. She just has a cut on her face. 我开车带她去的。她伤得不重。她就是脸上有一道伤痕。
  I'm going to the hospital right now! 我现在就要去医院!
  Where is Linda, Ben? 本,琳达在哪里?
  She's not here. She's at the hospital. 她不在这里。她在医院。
  The hospital? Why? 医院?怎么了?
  She was in a motorcycle accident. But she's OK. 她出了一场摩托车事故。但是她没什么大事儿。
  Are you sure? Motorcycles can be dangerous. Did someone hit her? 你确定吗?摩托车很危险。是有人撞了她吗?
  No. Her front wheel hit the sidewalk. And she fell off. 没有。她的前轮撞上了人行道。然后她就摔倒了。
  How do you know? 你怎么知道的?
  Alex told me. He was there. 阿莱克斯告诉我的。当时他在场。
  How is Linda? 琳达怎么样了?
  She's OK. She is sore. And she has a bad cut near her eye. 她很好。就是身体很痛。而且眼睛旁边有一道很深的伤痕。
  Ouch. Is she in much pain? 哎呦。她承受很大的痛苦吗?
  Not too much. But she is taking medicine. 并不会太痛。但是她在服药。
  Is she still at the hospital? 她现在还在医院吗?
  No. She's at home now. She is resting. 不在了。她现在在家中,正在休息。
  Good. Then she can get better. 好的。这样她会慢慢恢复。