【大家说英语】 第330期:有什么好的建议?(2)(在线收听

   How was your dinner at Ming's Chinese Palace? 你在明记皇厨的饭怎么样?

  It was great! All of the food was delicious. My friends loved it. 太棒了!所有的食物都很美味。我的朋友都很喜欢。
  What did you have? 你们吃了什么?
  We ordered pineapple shrimp and fried rice. We also got a vegetable dish. 我们点了凤梨虾球和炒饭。还有一盘鲜蔬。
  Sounds great. 听起来很棒。
  And now I need another restaurant suggestion. 现在我需要另一家餐厅的建议了。
  Sure. 没问题。
  I want to eat at an Italian restaurant. Where should I go? 我想去意大利餐厅用餐。我应该去哪家呢?
  Hi, Rob. Did you find a gift for your friend? 嗨,罗布。你挑好给你朋友的礼物了吗?
  Yes. I found a terrific gift. Thanks for the suggestions. 挑好了。我找了一个绝佳的礼物。谢谢你给的建议。
  And did he like it? 那他喜欢那个礼物吗?
  I don't know. I didn't give it to him yet. 我不知道。我还没给他呢。
  Oh. OK. 哦,好吧。
  But I'll give it to him now. The gift is for you! 但是我现在要给他了。这个礼物是给你的!
  For me? Wow, thanks, Rob! 给我的?哇,谢谢,罗布!
  Hi, Rob. You asked for some information. Here it is. Rob? Rob! 嗨,罗布。你要的一些信息。在这里。罗布?罗布!
  Oh, hi, Taylor. What did you say? 哦,嗨,泰勒。你刚刚说什么?
  I have your information. 这是你要的信息。
  Thanks very much. 非常感谢。
  Are you playing a game? 你在打游戏吗?
  Yes. I'm playing Drop 7. But I spend too much time playing it. 是的。我在打Drop 7。但是我花了太多时间在这上面了。
  Then I have a suggestion. Delete it. I had to! 那我有个建议。删掉它。我之前就不得不这么做的。