【大家说英语】 第331期:洗手间大小事(1)(在线收听

   Who cleans the bathrooms here? 这里的洗手间由谁来打扫?

  The janitor cleans them. Why? 是由看门人负责打扫的。怎么了?
  The bathroom is dirty. And there aren't any paper towels. 这间洗手间很脏。而且里面都没有纸巾了。
  I can leave a note for the janitor. 我可以给看门人留个便条。
  Please do. I don't like a dirty bathroom. 麻烦你了。我不喜欢一间很脏的洗手间。
  I can get some paper towels. 我可以去拿些纸巾来。
  And please find some toilet paper. The bathroom also needs that. 另外请你找一些卫生纸来。洗手间也需要卫生纸。
  Ben, are you OK? 本,你还好吗?
  I'm not happy. I always take a shower in the morning. But today I couldn't. 我不高兴。我经常是在早上淋浴的。但是今天却不行。
  Why not? Did you get up late? 为什么不行?你起晚了?
  No. I didn't have any hot water! And I don't like cold showers. 不是。我没有热水!我不喜欢冷水浴!
  So your water heater isn't working? 那时你的热水器坏了?
  No it's not. I need a new one. 是的。我需要一台新的了。
  Here's your cellphone, Linda. 你的手机在这里,琳达。
  Oh, thank you! Where did you find it? 哦,谢谢!你在哪儿找到的?
  In the bathroom. It was by the sink. 在洗手间里。它就在水池旁边。
  That's right! I washed my hands. I put my phone next to the sink. I didn't pick it up. 对了!我洗了手,然后把我的手机放在了水池旁边。结果忘了带走了。
  Well, be careful. You don't want to lose it. 恩,小心点儿。你可不想丢了手机。
  Right! I can't lose my cellphone! 没错!我可不能丢了我的手机!