【大家说英语】 第343期:诈骗事件(在线收听

   I am going to see my aunt. 我要去看我的姨母。

  I walk up the stairs and into her apartment building. 我爬上了楼梯,进到了她的公寓楼。
  She lives on the fifth floor. 她住在五层。
  I have my coat as well as groceries for my aunt. 我拿着我的外套,还有给我姨母的日常用品。
  I walk to the elevator and push the button, but I drop my coat. 我走到电梯前,按下按钮,但是我的外套掉了。
  As soon as I drop my coat, a woman comes out of the elevator. 我的外套掉下去的同时,一个女人刚好从电梯中走了出来。
  She's wearing a red shirt and sunglasses. She seems to be very happy. 她穿着一件红衬衫,戴着墨镜。她看起来非常高兴。
  She picks up my coat and gives it to me. I thank her. 她捡起了我的外套,并递给了我。我对她表示了感谢。
  Then I go into the elevator. 之后我进入了电梯。
  When I get to my aunt's floor, she is already in the hall. 当我来到我姨母所在的楼层,发现她已经在走廊上了。
  "Hello, nephew! Thank you for bringing me groceries. How much do I owe you?" she asks me. “你好,我的外甥。感谢你给我带来日用品。我要给你多少钱?”她问我。
  "You're welcome!" I say. "The groceries are $15.95." 我说道:“没关系。这些日用品总共15.95美元。”
  My aunt opens her purse to give me the money. 我的姨母打开了她的钱包,把钱给了我。
  "Oh, no!" she says. "I forgot. I gave all my money to that poor blind woman. 她说道:“哦,不!我忘记了。我把我的钱都给了那个又穷又眼盲的女人。
  I met her just before you arrived." 在你到之前,我刚刚遇到她。”
  "Was the woman wearing a red shirt and sunglasses?" I ask. 我问道:“那个女人是不是穿一件红衬衫,戴着墨镜?”
  She nods her head. I know who she is talking about. 她点了点头。我知道她说的是谁了。
  "I'll be right back with your money," I say to my aunt. 我对我的姨母说道:“我马上把你的钱拿回来。”