【大家说英语】 第355期:下雨天(1)(在线收听

   Hi, Susie. 嗨,苏西。

  Good morning, Rob. How's the weather today? 早上好,罗布。今天天气怎么样?
  It is cold and rainy outside. I am not happy. 外面比较冷,还有雨。我不太高兴。
  Oh. I like the rain. It's fun. 哦。我喜欢下雨。很好玩儿。
  Fun! Rain is terrible. It makes me cold and wet. 好玩儿!下雨很糟糕。下雨让我又冷又湿。
  OK. Rain can make you cold and wet. But you can also play in the rain. 好吧。下雨会让你又冷又湿。但是你也可以在雨中玩耍。
  Alex! You are very wet! 阿莱克斯!你浑身都湿透了!
  I know. It is raining a lot today. 我知道。今天雨下得很大。
  Where is your coat? 你的外衣呢?
  I don't have a coat today. I left it and my umbrella at home. 我今天没穿外衣。我把外衣和雨伞放在家里了。
  Oh, no! Well, I have another coat in the office. You can use it. 哦,不!我办公室里还有另一件外衣。你可以用。
  Thank you, Taylor. That is very kind. 谢谢你,泰勒。真是太好了。
  Wait here, Alex. 阿莱克斯,在这里等一下。
  Is it still raining? 外面还在下雨吗?
  No, it's not raining now. But the sky is still very cloudy. 现在不下了。但是天空仍然是乌云密布。
  I'm cold. Are you? 我很冷。你呢?
  No. My coat is very warm. And I have a hot cup of tea. 我不冷。我的外衣很暖和。而且我还喝了一杯热茶。
  Can I have a cup? 我能喝一杯吗?
  Sure. Here, you can have some. 当然。给你,你可以喝一些。
  Thank you, Susie. This is great. 谢谢你,苏西。太棒了。