【大家说英语】 第357期:参观博物馆(1)(在线收听

   Hi, Susie. I have something for you. 嗨,苏西。我有个东西要给你。

  Oh? What is it? 哦?是什么?
  It's a package from Linda. 是琳达寄来的包裹。
  Thanks. Let's see what is inside. It's a ticket. 谢谢。让我看看里面是什么。是一张门票。
  What is it for? 干什么用的?
  It is a ticket to the art museum. I'm doing a report there. 是一张美术馆的门票。我要在那里做一个报道。
  Oh. What is your report about? 哦。你的报道是关于什么的?
  It's about a special art show. I can't wait to see it! 是关于一个特殊的艺术展览。我等不及去看了!
  Hi, Susie. Where are you going? 嗨,苏西。你要去哪里?
  I'm going to the art museum's new exhibit. 我要去看美术馆的新展览。
  Oh. Cool. 哦,很酷。
  Do you like museums? 你喜欢博物馆吗?
  Yes. I do. My favorite museum is the National Palace Museum in Taipei. 是的,我喜欢。我最喜欢的是台北国立故宫博物院。
  What do they have there? 那里有什么?
  They have a lot of wonderful paintings, jade and porcelain. 那里有很多美妙的画作、玉器和瓷器。
  So there is a lot to see. 如此说来,那里有很多可看的。
  Yes! You can spend hours there! 没错!你可以在那里逛好几个小时!
  Do you like going to museums, Taylor? 泰勒,你喜欢去博物馆吗?
  Sure. I like visiting museums. They can be fun. Why do you ask, Rob? 当然。我喜欢参观博物馆。它们很有意思。为什么这么问,罗布?
  I was just wondering. Susie and I were just talking about museums. 我只是出于好奇。苏西和我之前谈到了博物馆。
  Oh, OK. Do you like museums? 哦,好的。你喜欢博物馆吗?
  Yes. I love museums. History museums are my favorite. 是的。我很喜爱博物馆。历史博物馆是我的最爱。
  Really? Why? 真的吗?为什么?
  I like dinosaur exhibits. 我喜欢恐龙展览。
  Dinosaurs are fun and interesting. 恐龙很好玩儿,也很有趣。