【大家说英语】 第362期:加拿大的国庆节(在线收听

   Today is Canada Day. It is Canada's national day. 今天是加拿大日。是加拿大的国庆节。

  A national day is a country's birthday. 国庆节是指一个国家的生日。
  Many countries have national days in July. 许多国家的国庆节都在7月份。
  America's national day is on July 4. 美国国庆节是7月4日。
  France celebrates on July 14. Peru, Egypt and Argentina also celebrate in July. 法国的则是在7月14日。秘鲁、埃及和阿根廷的国庆节也是在7月。
  National days are usually holidays. 国庆节通常都是假期。
  People don't go to work or school. They relax and have fun. 人们不用去上班或者上学。他们只需要放松、开心庆祝就好。
  They go to parties and barbecues.  人们会去派对或者烤肉会。
  On national days, towns and cities often have parades. 在国庆节,大城小镇通常都会游行庆祝。
  At night, they have fireworks. People remember their country's history. 在晚上会燃放烟花。民众会铭记自己国家的历史。
  They remember good things about their country. 他们会记住关于自己国家的美好事物。
  They are proud to live in their country. 他们对生活在自己的国家感到骄傲。
  Those are good things to celebrate. 这些都是值得庆祝的美好事物。
  But national days aren't just big parties. 但是国庆节并不仅仅是一个大派对。
  People can think on national holidays: How can this country be better? 人们会在国庆节思考:这个国家怎样才能变得更好?
  How can you make your country better? 你做什么能让你的国家变得更好?
  You can serve others. Spend time with your family. 你可以为他人服务。花些时间陪伴你的家人。
  Help do the dishes. Then help your neighbors. 帮忙洗碗盘。然后帮助你的邻居。
  Become a volunteer. Do something to help poor people. 成为一名志愿者。做些事情来帮助贫困的人。
  Clean up a park or street. Everyone can do something. 打扫一家公园或一条街道。每个人都能做些什么。
  Then your country can be better. 然后你的国家就会变得更好。
  What will you do for your country this year? 今年你会为你的国家做些什么呢?