【大家说英语】 第367期:夏日童趣(2)(在线收听

   I love summer, don't you, Ben? 我喜爱夏天,你不也是吗,本?

  I loved summer when I was a kid. Because I didn't have to work. I had three months of vacation! 在我还是个孩子的时候,我喜欢夏天。因为我没必要工作。我有三个月的假期。
  What did you do? 你那时候都做什么?
  I rode my bike a lot and played with my friends. We also had a lemonade stand. 我经常骑车,和我的朋友们一起玩儿。我们还摆过柠檬汁小摊呢。
  Did you do much business? 你们有很多生意吗?
  We did on hot days. But often we drank all the lemonade! 我们在天气炎热的时候生意很好。但是通常是我们自己把所有柠檬汁喝光!
  What are you thinking about, Taylor? 泰勒,你在想什么呢?
  Oh, just my summer job when I was a kid. 哦,只是在想我小时候的暑期工作。
  You had a summer job? 你还有过暑期工作?
  Sure. A lot of kids have summer jobs. I worked at the swimming pool. I was a lifeguard. 当然。很多孩子都有暑期工作。我在游泳池工作。我当时是一个救生员。
  Was it fun? 有意思吗?
  Yes. I got a nice suntan. I watched kids play in the water and kept them safe. 是的。我晒得很黑。我要盯着孩子们在水里玩耍,确保他们的安全。
  Did you enjoy summer when you were a kid, Rob? 罗布,你小时候喜欢夏天吗?
  Well, some summers I could relax. Other summers I had to study. 嗯,有一些夏天我能放松一下。其它的夏天我必须要学习。
  For school entrance exams? 为了入学考试吗?
  For the high school one. My family moved to the States before I had to take the college one. 是为了高中入学考试。我们家在我必须考入大学之前就搬到美国来了。
  I didn't study in the summer. I went to summer camp and loved it! 我在夏天的时候不会学习。我会去夏令营,我很喜欢夏令营!
  You were lucky! 你真幸运!