【大家说英语】 第373期:与我同行(2)(在线收听

   Do you like musicals, Susie? 苏西,你喜欢音乐剧吗?

  Sure. Musicals are fun to watch. Why do you ask? 当然。音乐剧看起来很有意思。为什么你这么问?
  I saw an advertisement for the musical Motown-- The Musical in the newspaper. 我刚才在报纸上看到了《摩城音乐剧》的广告。
  Oh! I want to see that! 哦!我想看那部剧!
  Then let's go together. 那我们就一起去看吧。
  Sure! When is it? 可以!什么时候呢?
  Tickets go on sale tomorrow. The show is next month. 明天开始售票。下个月上映。
  Then let's pick a day and go! 那我们挑一天一起去吧!
  Hi, Taylor. Are you free on Saturday? 嗨,泰勒。你这周六有空吗?
  Good morning, Linda. Yes, I'm free on Saturday. 早上好,琳达。我周六有空。
  Great! I'm hosting a barbecue at my house Saturday afternoon. I'm cooking steaks. Do you want to come? 太棒了!我周六下午要在我家办一场烤肉聚会。我要烤牛排。你要来吗?
  I'd love to come! What can I bring? 我愿意去!要我拿什么吗?
  Can you bring some drinks? I invited about 10 people. 你能带一些饮料吗?我请了10个人。
  OK. I'll bring juice, soda and lots of ice! 好的。我会带果汁、苏打水和很多的冰块来!
  Hi, Ben. Can I ask you a favor? 嗨,本。我可以请你帮个忙吗?
  Sure, Linda. How can I help you? 没问题,琳达。我能帮你些什么呢?
  My church is having an activity for kids on Sunday afternoon. We need more volunteers. Can you help? 周日下午,我的教会会有一个针对孩子的活动。我们需要更多的志愿者。你能帮个忙吗?
  Of course! What time? 当然!什么时间呢?
  The activity starts at 3:00 on Sunday afternoon. 这个活动会在周日下午3点开始。
  OK. Maybe you can ask Rob and Alex, too. They like little kids. 好的。你也可以问问罗布和阿莱克斯。他们很喜欢小孩子。
  I will. Thanks, Ben. 我会的。多谢你,本。