【大家说英语】 第374期:舒适的客厅(1)(在线收听

   Hi, Taylor. What do you know about furniture? 嗨,泰勒。你对家具有什么了解吗?

  Not much. But I like comfortable furniture. I know that! 不太多。但是我喜欢舒适的家具。我对这个有了解!
  I need a new sofa. 我需要一个新的沙发。
  What is wrong with your old sofa? 你的旧沙发怎么了?
  It has holes in it. 上面有好几个破洞。
  Holes? How? 破洞?怎么弄的?
  A dog chewed on it. 一只狗咬的。
  Your dog? 你的狗吗?
  No, my neighbor's dog. 不是,是我邻居的狗。
  Are you looking at furniture ads? 你在看家具广告吗?
  Yes. I want a new living room set. 是的。我想要一套新的客厅家具。
  Oh. So you want a sofa, some chairs and a coffee table? 哦。那你想要一个沙发,几把椅子和一个咖啡桌?
  That's right. My furniture is really old. I need new furniture. 没错。我的家具太旧了。我需要新的家具。
  Well, there are three furniture stores in town. Go to all of them. 嗯,这座城市里有三家家具商店。你都去看看吧。
  Good idea. 好主意。
  Do you have a sofa in your living room, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你客厅里面有沙发吗?
  I have a small one. But I have big pillows on the floor. I sit on those. 我有一个小的。不过我的地板上有大坐垫。我可以坐在上面。
  Are they comfortable? 它们坐起来舒服吗?
  My friends and I like them. We usually sit on the floor and watch TV. But older people sit on my sofa. 我的朋友和我都很喜欢。我们经常坐在地板上看电视。但是年纪大的人坐在我的沙发上。
  That's good. Then they can be comfortable. 那不错。这样他们就可以舒服些。