【大家说英语】 第380期:乘船旅游(2)(在线收听

   I hear you like kayaking, Alex. 阿莱克斯,我听说你喜欢划皮艇。

  Yes, I do. A friend and I are going kayaking on the Old Mill River this weekend. 是的。这周末我要和一个朋友去Old Mill河划皮艇。
  Will you camp? 你们会去露营吗?
  No, this is just a day trip. Carrying everything for camping in a kayak isn't easy. 不会,这次就是一天的出游。要把露营的东西都装到皮艇上可不是件容易事。
  I'm sure it's not. Have you been kayaking a lot? 我相信是不容易。你经常去划皮艇吗?
  This will be my first river trip. I usually kayak on a lake. 这次是我第一次在河里划皮艇。我通常是在湖里划皮艇。
  Your kayaking trip got me thinking. I want to get out on the water this weekend, too. 你的划皮艇之行让我也起了念头。我也想这周末去水上玩儿。
  What will you do? 你要做些什么呢?
  My neighbor owns a powerboat. He invited me to the lake this weekend. 我的邻居有一艘汽艇。他邀请我这周末去湖边。
  Fun! Will you go waterskiing? 有意思!你要去滑水吗?
  Maybe. I've never been waterskiing. I'll bring my swimsuit so I can try it. 可能吧。我从来没滑过水。我会带着我的泳裤,这样我就能尝试一下了。
  You should try it. It's fun, but it takes practice! 你应该试试。很有意思,但是需要练习。
  Guess what I did? 猜猜我做了什么?
  What? 什么?
  I bought a used canoe. 我买了一个二手独木舟。
  Really? I didn't know you liked boats. 真的吗?我之前都不知道你喜欢船。
  I do. I really enjoy canoeing. It's so relaxing to just paddle around on a lake. 我喜欢。我真的喜欢划独木舟。在湖上划船是一件很惬意的事情。
  It is. Was the canoe a good deal? 没错。你的独木舟的价格合适吗?
  Yes, it was. I plan to go canoeing a lot this summer! I used to canoe all the time when I was a kid. 是的。我打算这个夏天要多去划独木舟。我小时候总是划独木舟。