【大家说英语】 第381期:寻找耳机(在线收听

   "Where are they?" Lucy asked herself. “它们在哪儿呢?”露西自己问自己。

  She looked in her backpack and coat pockets again. 她又一次查看了自己的背包和外套口袋。
  She couldn't find her earbuds anywhere. 她哪里找不到自己的耳机。
  The earbuds were a gift and were very nice. 这副耳机是一件礼物,并且性能非常好。
  She didn't want to lose them. 她可不想弄丢它们。
  She also loved listening to pop music, so she wanted to find them before she left the house. 她还喜欢听流行音乐,所以她想要在离开家之前找到这副耳机。
  But she couldn't look any longer. She had to meet a group of friends from school. 但是她不能再找了。他必须和学校的一群朋友会面。
  On the way to meet her friends, she saw another classmate walking in front of her. 在前去和她朋友见面的途中,她看到了另外一个同学走在她前面。
  Her name was Susan. Lucy and Susan didn't really like each other. 她的名字是苏珊。露西和苏珊都不太喜欢彼此。
  Susan was often jealous of Lucy. 苏珊经常嫉妒露西。
  They disagreed about many things and sometimes fought. 她们对很多事情都意见不合,并且有时候还会吵架。
  But they were usually polite to each other. 但是她们通常还是对彼此保持礼貌。
  "Hi, Susan," Lucy said. But Susan didn't hear her. “嗨,苏珊。”露西说道。但是苏珊没有听见。
  "Hello, Susan!" she said louder. “你好,苏珊。”她这次说的声音大了一点。
  Susan was listening to music. 苏珊在听音乐。
  When she saw Lucy, she quickly took out her earbuds and put them in her pocket. 当她看到露西的时候,她赶紧把耳机拿了下来,并且塞进了口袋里。
  "Hi, Lucy! Are you meeting our classmates for pizza?" Susan asked. 苏珊问道:“嗨,露西!你是要和我们的同学一起吃披萨吗?”
  Lucy saw the earbuds before Susan put them in her pocket. 在苏珊将耳机放到口袋里之前,露西看到了它们。
  They looked exactly like hers. 那副耳机看起来非常像她的。
  Not many people had earbuds like hers. 并且她那副耳机没有几个人有。
  Maybe Susan took them during class. Was it possible? What could she do? 可能是苏珊在上课期间拿走的。有可能吗?她应该做什么?