【大家说英语】 第386期:夏季奥运会(2)(在线收听

   Rob is interviewing an Olympian today. 罗布今天在采访一位奥运会运动员。

  Is he? That's exciting. 是吗?那太有意思了。
  Who is Rob interviewing, Linda? 琳达,罗布在采访谁?
  Rebecca Runner. She won one silver in 2004 and two gold medals at the 2008 Olympics. 丽贝卡·朗纳。她2004年奥运会时赢得了一枚银牌,2008年奥运会赢得了两枚金牌。
  She must be very strong. 那她一定非常强壮。
  Yes, and she is very fast, too. She won two women's running events. 是的,而且她速度也非常快。她赢得了两项女子跑步赛事。
  I want to meet her. I'll go back to the studio as soon as I finish my drink. 我想见见她。我喝完饮料就会回到摄影棚去。
  I love watching the Summer Olympics. You know, they begin tomorrow. 我喜欢看夏季奥运会。明天赛事就要开始了。
  What's your favorite Olympic sport, Taylor? 泰勒,你最喜欢的奥运会项目是什么?
  I like the tennis events. 我喜欢网球的赛事。
  What about you, Ben? 那你呢,本?
  I enjoy watching the basketball games. It will be fun to see who wins the gold medal this year! 我喜欢看篮球比赛。看今年谁赢得金牌一定很有意思!
  Do either of you know the motto of the Olympic Games? 你们有谁知道奥运会的口号么?
  I do. "Faster, higher, stronger!" 我知道。“更快,更高,更强!”
  Right! 没错!
  Olympians are faster and strongly than we are! 奥运会运动员比我们更快也更强!
  That's true, and the Olympic Games can inspire us. 没错,奥运会可以激励我们。
  I agree. After I watch the Olympics, I always try harder in my own life. 我同意。在我看完奥运会之后,我总是会在自己的生活中更努力。
  So the Olympics are not only fun but also useful. 所以奥运会并不仅仅是有意思,也还有用处。
  Exactly. And people all over the world watch the Olympics. 没错。全世界的人都会观看奥运会。
  Maybe we can watch them together. 我们也许能一起看。
  Let's do it. That would be fun! 好啊。这一定很有意思!