【大家说英语】 第388期:家人团聚(在线收听

   Hi, Alex, what are you doing? 嗨,阿莱克斯,你在做什么?

  I'm sending my dad a card. 我在给我爸爸寄张卡片。
  Is today his birthday? 今天是他的生日吗?
  No. Today is Father's Day. 不是。今天是父亲节。
  No, it's not. Father's Day was in June! 不,今天不是父亲节。父亲节在6月!
  Well, in Taiwan, we celebrate Father's Day today. 嗯,在台湾,我们是在今天庆祝父亲节的。
  Why? 为什么?
  Well, ba is the Chinese word for 8. So August 8 is ba ba. That is also the word for father in Chinese. 嗯,8在中文里念八。所以8月8日就读作八八。这也是中文里爸爸的发音。
  What are you thinking about, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你在想什么?
  I'm thinking about my family. Today is Father's Day in Taiwan. 我在想我的家人。今天是台湾的父亲节。
  Tell me about your family. 跟我讲讲你的家人吧。
  Well, I have a mother and a father. I also have an older brother and a younger sister. 嗯,我家里有爸爸和妈妈。我还有一个哥哥和妹妹。
  Are they all in Taiwan? 他们都在台湾吗?
  Yes, they are. I miss them. 是的,他们都在。我很想念他们。
  Rob, do you celebrate Father's Day twice? 罗布,你会过两次父亲节吗?
  What do you mean? 你的意思是?
  Well, American Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. Father's Day in Taiwan is today. 美国的父亲节是在6月的第三个星期日。而台湾的父亲节就是今天。
  My family celebrates American Father's Day. But my siblings and I can also call my dad today. 我的家庭过的是美国的父亲节。但是我和我的兄弟姐妹也会在今天给父亲打电话。
  How many siblings do you have? 你有多少兄弟姐妹呢?
  Three. I have two sisters and a brother. 三个。我有两个姐姐和一个哥哥。Hi, Alex. Why are you smiling? 嗨,阿莱克斯。你笑什么?
  I'm looking at a funny picture on my phone. 我在看我手机里一张有趣的照片。
  What's the picture of? 是什么照片?
  My parents and some of my relatives. They took my dad out for dinner on Father's Day. Everyone was wearing a funny hat! 我父母和我的一些亲戚。他们在父亲节带我爸爸出去吃了饭。每个人都戴着一顶有趣的帽子!
  That's fun. I like to get together with my family. We always have a good time when we get together. 有意思。我愿意和我的家人聚在一起。我们聚在一起的时候,总是过得很开心。
  So, Rob, did your dad have a nice Father's day yesterday? 罗布, 昨天父亲节你爸爸过得很好吧?
  I think so. My siblings and I all called him. And my aunts, uncles and cousins went to my parents' house to visit. 我想是的。我的兄弟姐妹和我给他打了电话。而我的姨母,叔叔和表兄弟都去了我父母那里。
  That's good. My family also likes to get together on holidays. We usually meet at my grandparents' house. 不错啊。我的家人也喜欢在节假日聚在一起。我们经常在我祖父母的家里见面。
  Your dad's parents or your mom's? 是你爸爸的父母还是妈妈的父母?
  My dad's. Their house is bigger! 我爸爸的。他们的家比较大!
  Oh, I got good news today. 哦,我今天得到了一个好消息。
  What's that? 是什么?
  One of my sisters is getting married. 我的一个姐姐要结婚了。
  That's great! When? 太棒了!什么时候?
  They're not sure, yet. But probably sometime next year. 他们目前还没确定。但是很有可能是在明年的某个时间。
  And you'll go to the wedding? 你会去婚礼吗?
  Yes. I want to get to know my sister's fiance. 会的。我想认识一下我姐姐的未婚夫。
  That's good. He's part of your family now. And your sister is part of his! 很好。他现在是你们家人中的一员了。而你姐姐则是他的一部分!