【大家说英语】 第392期:晚餐吃什么(2)(在线收听

   Why don't you cook? 为什么你不做饭呢?

  I can't cook. I burn everything. 我不会做饭。我会把所有东西给弄焦的。
  Some of these recipes are really easy. Even you could make them. 有些烹饪真的很容易。即使是你也能完成的。
  Really? I'm terrible in the kitchen. 真的吗?我在厨房里的表现很糟糕的。
  Now, Linda. Do you have a stove? 琳达,你有火炉吗?
  Yes, of course. 当然有。
  Do you have an oven? 你有烤箱吗?
  Yes. 有的。
  Then you can cook! Let's find a recipe for you! 那你就能做饭了!我给你找一个食谱吧!
  Hi, Rob. What did you cook last night? 嗨,罗布。你昨晚做了什么菜?
  I tried a new recipe. I cooked spicy beef with peppers. 我尝试了一个新菜品。我做了麻辣牛肉。
  And how did it turn out? 那结果怎么样?
  Not very well. It didn't taste very good. 不是很好。味道尝起来不怎样。
  Why didn't it taste good? 为什么尝起来不好呢?
  The beef was dry and tough. 牛肉又干又难咬。
  I'm sorry. Some recipes just aren't very good. 真遗憾。有些食谱就是不太好。
  I know! That was one of them! 我知道!这就是其中之一!
  You look excited about something. 你看起来很激动啊。
  I am! I'm going to take a cooking class. 没错!我要参加一个烹饪班了。
  Great! Where? 太棒了!在哪里呢?
  At the supermarket. Did you know they have cooking classes? 在超市里。你知道他们开设烹饪课吗?
  No, I didn't. 我不知道。
  Well, I signed up for one. It's an Italian cooking class. 恩,我报名了一项课程。是一门意大利烹饪课。
  Fun! After you take the class, you can invite me over for dinner. 有趣!你学完课程之后,要邀请我去吃晚餐啊。
  Sure! And I'll share the recipes with you! 当然!我会和你分享一下食谱的!