
   If you have a smartphone, the Internet is almost always with you. 如果你有一台智能手机,那么网络就会随时伴随你。

  And that is often a good thing. 这通常来说是一件好事。
  You can use the Internet for shopping, learning and chatting with your friends. 你可以用网络来购物、学习以及和你的朋友聊天。
  But the Internet can also be a dangerous place. 但是网络也是个危险的地方。
  The good news is that it really isn't too hard to protect yourself. 好消息是,保护你自己并不会太难。
  Following these tips will let you enjoy the Internet and keep you safe. 遵循下面这些要诀,你就可以享受网络,同时保证你的安全了。
  Take control of your personal information. 掌握你个人信息的主导权。
  First, don't share too much online. 首先,不要在网上分享太多信息。
  Don't post your phone number or address. 不要发布你的电话号码或者地址。
  Be careful what you say and which pictures you post online. 留意你在网上所说的话以及你上传的照片。
  Second, use privacy settings. You don't have to let everyone see everything you post. 第二,使用隐私设定。你没必要让所有人都能看到你发布的所有东西。
  Finally, be careful of strangers. 最后一点,对陌生人保持警惕。
  The Internet is a good way to meet interesting, new people, but be careful. 网络是一个遇见有趣的新朋友的好的方式,但是一定要保持警惕。
  People aren't always who they seem to be. 人不一定就是他们看起来的那个样子。
  Use your time online to make the Internet a better place. 利用你上网的时间,来把网络变成一个更好的地方。
  Be a good friend. 做个好朋友。
  Don't post pictures or say things that will embarrass or hurt other people. 不要发表会让别人难堪、受伤的照片或言论。
  It's also wise to avoid online fights. 避免网络争吵也是一个明智的行为。
  Don't answer mean or rude messages. 不要回复刻薄或者无礼的信息。
  And delete those who are often rude or mean. 删掉那些总是很刻薄或者无礼的人。
  Make good choices. 做出好的选择。
  And don't be afraid to ask someone you trust for advice. 不要害怕向你信任的人寻求建议。