【大家说英语】 第394期:驾车旅行(1)(在线收听

   Welcome back! 欢迎回来!

  Thanks, Linda. 谢谢,琳达。
  How was your road trip? 你们这趟驾车旅行怎么样?
  It was great. 太棒了。
  How far did you drive? 你们开了有多远?
  About 1,000 miles. My friend and I drove from San Diego to Portland. 大约1000英里。我的朋友和我从圣地亚哥开到了波特兰。
  I love San Diego. It's a beautiful city! 我喜爱圣地亚哥。那是一个美丽的城市!
  Yes. The drive along the ocean was so beautiful. 是的。沿着海边驾驶的景色也非常美丽。
  Now I want to go on a road trip. 我现在都想来一场驾车旅行了。
  Hi, Linda. Why are you looking at a map? 嗨,琳达。你盯着地图干什么?
  Hi, Taylor. I'm planning a road trip! 嗨,泰勒。我在计划一场驾车旅行!
  Really? Where are you going? 真的吗?你要去哪里?
  I want to visit Nashville. 我想去纳什维尔。
  Nashville is famous for its country music! I love country music! 纳什维尔以它的乡村音乐而出名。我喜爱乡村音乐!
  Do you want to come with me? 你想和我一起去吗?
  Sure! 当然!
  Road trips are always more fun with friends. 和朋友一起的驾车旅行总是更有意思的。
  We're here! We're in Nashville! 我们到了!我们在纳什维尔了!
  Yes! And we didn't have any trouble. We didn't run out of gas. 是的!我们没遇到任何问题。汽车的油也没用光。
  What should we do now? 我们现在应该做什么呢?
  Let's go see the Grand Ole Opry. But we have to get tickets. 我们去看看大奥普里吧。但是我们得要买票。
  Good idea. But can we eat lunch first? 好主意。不过我们能不能先吃午饭呢?
  Sure! Let's have barbecue. It's famous here. 当然!我们吃烤肉吧!烤肉在这里很出名的。
  Great! Let's go! 太棒了!我们走吧!