【大家说英语】 第397期:美味面包店(2)(在线收听

   Hey, Linda. How are you? 嗨,琳达。你好吗?

  I'm great. Alex took me to The Bread Basket today. 我很好。阿莱克斯今天带我去了面包篮。
  Cool. I love that bakery. Did you try one of their doughnuts? 酷。我很爱那家面包店。你有尝尝他们家的甜甜圈吗?
  No, but I had some chocolate cookies, and they were delicious. 没有,但是我吃了一些巧克力曲奇,味道很棒。
  Yeah, they're good. And I also love the bakery's bagels. 没错,味道是很不错。我还喜欢这家面包店的百吉饼。
  Yes, they looked good. I plan to buy one tomorrow for breakfast. 是的,百吉饼看起来就不错。我打算明天买一个当早餐。
  Hi, Alex. You look happy. 嗨,阿莱克斯。你看起来很高兴。
  I am happy. Linda and I went to a great place. 我很高兴。琳达和我去了一个好地方。
  Where did you go? 你们去了哪里?
  We went to The Bread Basket. 我们去了面包篮。
  Good choice. Did Linda like it? 选得好。琳达喜欢那里吗?
  Yeah, I bought her some cookies. 喜欢,我给她买了一些饼干。
  That was nice of you. I really like that bakery's cupcakes and rolls. 你人真好。我非常喜欢那家面包店的杯子蛋糕和面包卷。
  OK. I will look for them next time. 好的。我下次去会留意看看。
  What is your favorite thing at The Bread Basket, Alex? 阿莱克斯,面包篮店里你最喜欢的是什么?
  Well, the bakery bakes delicious apple pies, but they're really big. 嗯,这家面包店的苹果派烤得很好,就是太大了。
  Maybe you can share one with Linda. 也许你可以和琳达分一个。
  That's a great idea, Susie. 苏西,这是个好主意。
  Or maybe someone else will want some. 或者也许其他人也想要一些。
  I'll look for Linda right now! 我现在就去找琳达!
  Where are you going? I was talking about me! 你要去哪里?我是在说我啊!