【大家说英语】 第398期:实在抱歉(1)(在线收听

   Hey, Linda. Are you excited about the play tonight? 嗨,琳达。你会不会对今晚的话剧很期待?

  Play? What play? 话剧?什么话剧?
  The Mousetrap, remember? We talked about going last week. 《捕鼠器》啊,记得吗?我们上星期说要一起去的。
  Oh, yes. Is the play tonight? 哦,对。是今晚演出么?
  Yes, it is. You were excited about seeing it. 是啊。你当时很期待要去看的。
  Oh, Alex. I have to cancel. I have an important meeting tonight. 哦,阿莱克斯。我不得不取消这一计划了。我今晚有一场很重要的会议。
  What? I already bought the tickets. And they were expensive! 什么?我已经买了票了。而且很贵啊!
  There you are, Taylor! Did you make those bird-watching charts for me? They're for my interview today. 泰勒,你总算来了!你有没有帮我做那些观鸟图?我今天采访要用的。
  Oh, Rob, I forgot! You need those charts today? 哦,罗布,我给忘了!你今天就要这些图吗?
  Yes, Taylor. My interview starts in 20 minutes. How could you forget? 是啊,泰勒。我的访谈还有20分钟就要开始了。你怎么能给忘了呢?
  I was really busy this morning. Carol gave me extra work. 我今天上午真的很忙。卡罗尔给了我额外的工作。
  Well, I need those charts for my program. What am I going to do? 嗯,我的节目需要那些图表。我要怎么办呢?
  Hi, Ben. Did you make that list of professors we can interview? 嗨,本。你有没有列出我们能采访的教授的名单呢?
  No, not yet. 没有,还没有。
  Ben! I need that list as soon as possible. 本!我需要尽快拿到那份名单。
  But you said, "If you have time this morning, try to make the list." And I didn't have time. 但是你说的是:“如果你今天上午有时间,就弄一下名单”。可我没有时间啊。
  I was being polite. I needed you to make the list this morning. 我那么说是客气。我需要你今天上午就做出那份名单。
  Then why didn't you say that? 那你为什么不那么说呢?