【大家说英语】 第402期:畅谈宠物(2)(在线收听

   Welcome to the program, Ms. Fish! 欢迎来到本节目,菲什小姐!

  Thank you, Rob. 谢谢你,罗布。
  You own a pet store, right? 你有一家宠物店,对吧?
  Yes, I do. I sell pets, and I also sell food and toys for pets. 是的。我卖宠物,也卖宠物的食物和玩具。
  What is the best pet? 最好的宠物是什么?
  The best pet is different for every person. 对每个人来说,最好的宠物都不一样。
  So how do you choose a good pet? 那你是怎么选择一个好的宠物呢?
  You need to think about several things. 你必须考虑几个问题。
  What should you think about? 你要考虑的是什么问题?
  Think about your life. Your pet should match your life. 要考虑你的生活。你的宠物应该能和你的生活配合上。
  What do you mean? 你的意思是?
  Well, some pets sleep all day and play all night. If you like to go to bed early, don't get one of those pets. 嗯,有些宠物整个白天会睡觉,而整晚都在玩耍。如果你想早点儿睡觉,不要选这些宠物。
  And if you don't like exercise, don't get a big dog! 如果你不喜欢锻炼,也不要养大狗!
  Right. Big dogs need a lot of exercise. 没错。大狗需要很多的运动。
  What else should you think about? 你要考虑的还有哪些?
  Can you take care of your pet? Before you get a pet, learn about its habits. Learn how to take care of it. 你能照顾你的宠物吗?在拥有一只宠物之前,要了解它的习性。要了解怎样去照顾它。
  And you should think about the cost. 而且你应该考虑花销的问题。
  Yes. Some pets are expensive to feed. And vet care is also expensive. 是的。一些宠物的饲料费很高。而兽医护理也很昂贵。
  So, friends, think about those things. Then choose the right pet for you! 所以,朋友们,要考虑好这些事情。然后选择对你来说最好的宠物!