【大家说英语】 第404期:东西到底在哪里?(在线收听

   Hi, Linda. What are you looking for? 嗨,琳达。你在找什么?

  I'm looking for my dictionary. I can't find it. 我在找我的词典。我找不到它了。
  What does it look like? 它是什么样子的?
  It's small and brown. It's a pocket dictionary. 有点小,棕色的。是一本口袋词典。
  Is it under the papers on your desk? 是不是在你桌子上的文件底下?
  No, it's not. 不,不在。
  Can you use an online dictionary? 你可以使用网络词典吗?
  I can. But I really like my dictionary! 我可以。但是我真的喜欢我的词典!
  Uh-oh. 呃喔。
  What's wrong? 怎么了?
  I dropped my earring. Do you see it? 我的耳环掉了。你看到它了吗?
  What does it look like? 耳环是什么样子的?
  It's small and round. It's a little gold ball. Is it under your chair? 我的耳环小小圆圆的。是一颗小金球。在你的椅子底下吗?
  No, it's not. 不,不在。
  Is it under the table? 那是在桌子底下吗?
  No. But now I see it. It's near your shoe! 不在。但是我看到它了。就在你的鞋旁边!
  Oh! I see it now. Thanks, Rob. 哦!我现在看到了。多谢,罗布。
  Oh, great! 哦,太棒了!
  What's wrong, Susie? 苏西,怎么了?
  I can't find my credit card. 我找不到我的信用卡了。
  Is it in your pocket? 在你口袋里吗?
  No, it's not. 不,它不在。
  Look in all your pockets. 在你所有的口袋里找找看。
  It's not in any of my pockets. 我所有口袋里都没有。
  Is it in your purse? 那在你的钱包里吗?
  I don't have a purse. 我没有钱包。
  Oh. How can you pay for your lunch? 哦。那你午饭的钱怎么付?
  Maybe you can! 也许你可以帮我付!