【大家说英语】 第406期:时间安排(1)(在线收听

   Good morning, Alex. 早上好,阿莱克斯。

  Hi, Linda. Let's go bowling this week. We can invite other people, too. 嗨,琳达。我们这周一起去打保龄球吧。我们也可以邀请其他人。
  OK. I like bowling. When? 好的。我喜欢打保龄球。什么时候?
  Let's pick a day. How about Tuesday night? 我们挑一天吧。周二晚上怎么样?
  No, I'm busy. 不行,那天我很忙。
  OK. Is Thursday night good? 好吧。周四晚上可以吗?
  No. How about Friday? 不行。周五怎么样?
  I'm busy on Friday. Can you go on Saturday afternoon? 我周五没时间。你周六下午可以吗?
  Yes. That's a great time. 可以。那个时间很合适!
  Hi, Taylor. Am I recording on Tuesday next week? 嗨,泰勒。我下周二要录影吗?
  Let me check the schedule. 我看看日程表啊。
  Thanks. 多谢。
  Yes. You're recording at 3 p.m. on Tuesday. Why? 要录影的。你周二下午三点要录。怎么了?
  I can't record at 3 p.m. 下午三点我不能录。
  Why not? 为什么不行?
  I have a meeting with Carol at 3 p.m. 下午三点我和卡罗尔要开个会。
  Can you record after the meeting? 那开会之后你能录吗?
  No. The meeting may be long. 不行。那个会议可能会很长时间。
  Good morning, Susie. 早上好,苏西。
  Hi, Ben. Why are you looking at the calendar? 嗨,本。你为什么在看日历?
  My cousin's birthday is this month. But I can't remember the day. 这个月是我表兄的生日。但是我记不清是哪天了。
  Ask your mom. She must know. 问问你妈妈吧。她肯定知道。
  But she doesn't remember. I just called her! 但是她忘记了。我刚给她打的电话!
  Then ask your cousin's mom. 那就问问你表兄的妈妈。
  Great idea! My aunt knows. I'm sure! 好主意!我的姨母一定知道。我肯定!