【大家说英语】 第408期:学校开学了!(1)(在线收听

   Hi, Tracy Teacher! Welcome to the program! 嗨,特蕾西老师!欢迎来到我们的节目!

  Thank you, Rob! 谢谢,罗布!
  School starts this week. 这周就要开学了。
  Yes, it does. Elementary schools, junior high schools and high schools all start this week. 是的。小学,初中,高中都是这周开学。
  Are the students excited? 学生们都很兴奋吗?
  Yes, they are. My students really like school. 是的。我的学生真的喜欢上学。
  But sometimes students don't like school at all. 但是有时候学生们根本不喜欢上学。
  And that's too bad. 那就太糟糕了。
  Where do you teach, Tracy? 你在哪里教学,特蕾西?
  I teach at Lincoln Junior High School. 我在林肯初中教学。
  Which grade do you teach? 你教你几年级呢?
  I teach 7th grade. I teach earth science. 我教7年级。我教授的科目是地球科学。
  What is that? 那是个什么课程?
  I teach about the earth and things on it. My students study the land and the oceans. 我会教授有关地球和地球上的事物的知识。我的学生学习陆地和海洋。
  Do students like your class? 学生们喜欢你的课程吗?
  Many do. And they ask good questions. 许多学生都喜欢。他们会问一些很棒的问题。
  What time does school start? 学校什么时候开始上课呢?
  Different schools start at different times. The elementary schools start at 8:15 a.m. 不同的学校开始上课的时间不一样。小学是早上8点15分。
  What time do the junior high and high school start? 初中和高中开始上课的时间呢?
  They start at 8:30 a.m. But students can take early classes. 早上八点半开始上课。但是一些学生会上早课。
  What time do early classes start? 早课是几点开始呢?
  Well, our school band meets at 7:30 a.m. 恩,我们学校的乐队是在早上7点半集合。
  That's too early for me. 对我来说这太早了。