【大家说英语】 第411期:谈论书店(2)(在线收听

   Susie, do you know Basement Books? 苏西,你知道地下室书店吗?

  It's on Hope Street. It's just a few blocks from here. 那家书店在希望大街。离这里就几个街区。
  Is it a good shop? 那家店还不错吧?
  Yes. It's better than most other bookstores. 是的。比大多数其他书店都要好。
  Good. I plan to go there at lunch. 好的。我打算午饭时间去那里。
  Can I join you? I want a new novel. 我能跟你一起去吗?我想买一本新的小说。
  Of course. 当然。
  Great! I might even buy you a book, too. 太好了!我说不定还会给你买一本。
  What kind of novels do you like, Susie? 苏西,你喜欢哪种类型的小说?
  I love reading fantasy books. 我喜欢读奇幻小说。
  Oh, that's interesting. Who is your favorite fantasy author? 哦,那种很有意思。你最喜欢的奇幻小说作者是谁?
  I like C.S. Lewis. He imagines talking animals, and he creates really different worlds. 我喜欢C.S.刘易斯。他想象出了会说话的动物,另外他还创造出了很不同的世界。
  That sounds fun. 听起来很有趣。
  Yeah. I enjoy reading his books. 是啊。我喜欢读他的书。
  Maybe we'll find some of his novels at Basement Books. 也许我们可以在地下室书店找到他的一些书。
  Hey, Rob. Did you have fun at Basement Books? 嗨,罗布。你在地下室书店逛得开心吗?
  Yes. It was great. I went there with Susie at lunch. 是的。太棒了。我和苏西午饭时间去的那里。
  Did you buy any books? 你有买什么书吗?
  Susie did. She bought one for herself and one for me. 苏西买了。她给自己买了一本,然后给我买了一本。
  That's nice. 那挺好。
  Yeah. Susie is very generous. 是啊。苏西非常大方。
  Maybe next time I'll go to the bookstore with Susie. Maybe she'll buy me a book! 也许下次我会和苏西一起去书店。也许她会给我买一本书!