【大家说英语】 第414期:中秋月圆(2)(在线收听

   Tell me about some other Mid-Autumn Festival traditions. 给我讲讲中秋节其他的传统吧。

  In some places, there are dragon and lion dances. 在一些地方,会有舞龙和舞狮。
  Dragon and lion dances are fun. 舞龙舞狮很有意思。
  In other places, children and their families make lanterns. 在其他地方,孩子会和他们的家人一起做灯笼。
  Are there different kinds of lanterns? 是有很多不同种类的灯笼吗?
  Yes. There are paper lanterns and sky lanterns. 是的。有纸灯笼,还有孔明灯。
  I'm sure they're beautiful! Can you show me how to make a lantern? 我确信会非常好看!你能给我演示一下如何制作一个灯笼吗?
  Sure! Let's meet after work. 当然!我们下班后见面吧。
  Hi, Taylor. I'm reading the story of Chang Er and Hou Yi. 嗨,泰勒。我在读嫦娥和后羿的故事。
  Who are they? 他们是谁?
  Hou Yi was a famous hero. Chang Er was his wife. 后裔是一个著名的英雄。嫦娥是她的妻子。
  Tell me the story. 给我讲讲这个故事吧。
  Long ago, there were 10 suns in the sky. The world was too hot. So Hou Yi shot nine suns out of the sky. 很久以前,天空中有10个太阳。整个世界太热了。所以后裔就把九个太阳从天上射了下来。
  So he saved the world? 所以说他拯救了这个世界?
  Yes! So Hou Yi was given a special potion. 是的!所以后裔获得了一种神药。
  What did the potion do? 那个神药有什么作用?
  Whoever drank the potion could live forever. 任何喝了那个神药的人,都能长生不老。
  Did Hou Yi drink it? 那后裔喝了吗?
  No. He gave it to his wife to keep. One day, a bad man tried to steal it. 没有。他让他的妻子去保管。有一天,一个恶人想要偷取神药。
  What happened? 发生了什么?
  Chang Er drank the potion. Then she began to fly higher and higher. 嫦娥喝了神药。然后她就开始飞了起来,飞得越来越高。
  Where did she go? 那她飞去了哪里?
  She flew to the moon. She lives there now. 她飞到了月亮上。她现在就住在上面。