【大家说英语】 第416期:蓝色的卧室(2)(在线收听

   Linda, do you like your new blanket? 琳达,你喜欢你的新毯子吗?

  Yes. It suits my bedroom well. 喜欢。它和我的卧室非常搭。
  Thanks for shopping with me. 谢谢你和我一起购物。
  It was fun. And my new blanket only cost $30. 一起购物很有意思。我的新毯子只花了30美元。
  I like my new sheets, too. But they weren't easy to find. 我也喜欢我的新床单。但是是好不太容易找到的。
  I know. Most of the patterns were green. 是啊。大多数的图案都是绿色的。
  But I did find a blue pattern in the end. 但是我最后还是找到了一款蓝色的。
  Hi, Linda! What's new? 嗨,琳达!有什么新鲜事?
  Not much. I bought a new blanket yesterday. 也没什么。就是我昨天买了一条新毯子。
  That's funny. Ben was looking for new sheets. 太巧了。本一直在看新的床单呢。
  I know. We went shopping together. 我知道。我们昨天一起去购物的。
  Oh, good. Did he find anything? 哦,挺好的。他又找到想要的吗?
  Yes. He found a nice blue pattern. He bought a set of bed sheets with two pillow cases. 是的。他找到了一款有漂亮蓝色图案的。他买了一套床单搭配两个枕套。
  Excellent. They will suit his blue bedroom. 太好了。这些会和他蓝色卧室很搭的。
  Are you happy with your new bed sheets, Ben? 本,你对你的新床单满意吗?
  Yes. They match my blue bedroom. 满意。它们和我的蓝色卧室很搭。
  That's good. 那就好。
  I like my bedroom. But I'm a little bored with only blue and white. 我喜欢我的卧室。但是我对只有蓝色和白色有一点厌倦了。
  If you want more color, you could get some art for the walls. 如果你想要更多的颜色,你可以买些挂在墙上的艺术品。
  That's another good idea, Taylor. I'll get something nice! 这也是个不错的主意,泰勒。我要买一些漂亮的!