【大家说英语】 第417期:到底是不是朋友(在线收听

   Mae and Julie were walking home from school. 梅和朱莉走在从学校回家的路上。

  Julie was asking Mae about the comic book club. Mae was in the club. 朱莉在问梅有关漫画社团的事情。梅就在那个社团里。
  "I was thinking about joining," Julie said. 朱莉说道:“我在考虑加入那个社团。”
  "But you don't like comics," Mae said. "Why do you want to join?" 梅说:“但是你不喜欢漫画。为什么你想要加入呢?”
  "So we can spend more time together!" Julie answered. 朱莉回答道:“这样我们就能有更多在一起的时间了。”
  But Mae didn't really want to spend more time with Julie. 但是梅并不是很想和朱莉相处更多时间。
  Julie was nice. But Mae didn't want her to be a member of the comic book club. 朱莉人很好。但是梅不想让她成为漫画社团中的一员。
  "Hey, do you want to go to the bookstore tonight? You could show me some comic books," Julie said. 朱莉说道:“嗨,今晚你想去书店吗?你可以给我找一些漫画书看。”
  "Sorry, I have to do something with my family," Mae said. 梅说道:“抱歉,我今晚必须要和我的家人做一些事情。”
  But that was not true. Mae just wanted to avoid Julie. 但这不是实情。梅就是想躲开朱莉。
  "OK, another time!" Julie said and went home. 朱莉说:“好吧,换个时间吧!”然后就回家了。
  Later, Mae was reading. Then she got a call from her friend, Cynthia. 后来,梅在读书。然后她接到了她朋友辛西娅的一通电话。
  "Mae! We have to go the mall's bookstore. There's a special sale on comic books today!" “梅,我们去一下购物中心的书店吧。今天那里的漫画书特价哎!”
  Mae wanted to go to the bookstore. She wanted to get some new comics. 梅想要去那家书店。她想买一些新漫画。
  Then she remembered Julie. What if Julie saw her at the mall with Cynthia? 然后她想到了朱莉。如果朱莉在购物中心看到自己和辛西娅在一起怎么办?
  Mae didn't know what to do. What would you do? 梅不知道该怎么做了。你会怎么做呢?