【大家说英语】 第418期:全新棒球队(1)(在线收听

   Ben, do you play baseball? 本,你打棒球吗?

  I did. In school they called me "the king of the field." But I don't play now. 我过去打。在学校他们叫我“球场之王”。但是我现在不打了。
  OK. So you're a good player. Do you want to play baseball again? 好吧。所以你是一个好的球手。你想再打一次棒球吗?
  Sure! I love baseball! 当然了!我热爱棒球!
  Maybe we can form a baseball team. 也许我们可以组建一支棒球队。
  That's a great idea! I can't wait. 这个主意不错!我都等不及了。
  Hello, Ben. 你好,本。
  Hey, Rob. Can you play baseball? 嗨,罗布。你会打棒球吗?
  Yes. I was a pitcher in university. 我会。我大学时是一名投手。
  Great! Alex and I are forming a baseball team. Will you play with us? 太棒了!阿莱克斯和我正在组建一支棒球队。你要和我们一起打吗?
  Sure. Put me on the pitcher's mound. Then all the batters will be scared! 当然。把我放在投球区。然后所有的击球手都会害怕的。
  Excellent. We'll have a good team. 很好。我们会拥有一支出色的球队的。
  Yes. And being confident will help. 是的。充满自信是大有帮助的。
  Hi, Alex. Our new team will be great! 嗨,阿莱克斯。我们的新球队会很出色的!
  Yeah! I plan to hit many homeruns. 是啊!我要打很多个本垒打。
  You'll have to run fast around the bases. 那你必须跑垒跑得很快。
  I will! Although, I'll also be careful. It's easy to get out. 我会的!尽管如此,我也要小心些。很容易出局的。
  That's true. When is our first practice? 确实。我们第一次训练在什么时候?
  Saturday. But we still need more players. 周六。但是我们还需要更多的球员。
  OK. I'll ask some of my friends. 好的。我会问问我的朋友们。