英语听书《海底两万里》第263期 第20章 托列斯海峡(10)(在线收听

   This said, Captain Nemo went below again to the Nautilus's interior, followed by his chief officer.  说完了这话,尼摩船长和跟在他后面的船副,又一同回到诺第留斯号船中。

  As for our craft, it no longer stirred, staying as motionless as if these coral polyps had already walled it in with their indestructible cement. 至于船,仍然是停着不动,好像那些珊.瑚腔肠类动物已经把它们的牢固的洋灰在船身上堆砌起来了:
  Well, sir? Ned Land said to me, coming up after the captain's departure. 先生,怎么样呢?尼德,兰在船长走开后,到我面俞来对我说。
  Well, Ned my friend, we'll serenely wait for the tide on the 9th, because it seems the moon will have the good nature to float us away! 尼德好朋友, 是这样,我们要耐心等待9日潮水到来,因为那一天,好像月球会很殷勤乐意地把我们送回大海上去。
  As simple as that? 是这样吗?
  As simple as that. 是这样。
  So our captain isn't going to drop his anchors, put his engines on the chains, and do anything to haul us off? 这位船长不把锚抛到海中去,不把链索结住机器,准备把船拉出来吗?
  Since the tide will be sufficient, Conseil replied simply. 既然潮水可以做到,当然用不着了。康塞尔简单地回答。
  The Canadian stared at Conseil, then he shrugged his shoulders. The seaman in him was talking now. 加拿大人看着康塞尔,然后他耸耸两肩,这是一个水手要表示他是内行的意思。
  Sir, he answered, you can trust me when I say this hunk of iron will never navigate again, on the seas or under them.  先生,他又说,您一定可以相信我,我告诉您, 这堆铁块再也不能在海面上或海底下航行了。
  It's only fit to be sold for its weight. So I think it's time we gave Captain Nemo the slip. 现在除了把它论斤卖掉外,没有别的用处了。所以,我认为跟尼摩船长不辞而别的时候到了。
  Ned my friend, I replied, unlike you, I haven't given up on our valiant Nautilus, and in four days we'll know where we stand on these Pacific tides.  尼德老朋友,我回答,我不跟您一样想,对于这只勇敢的诺第留斯号我并不完全绝望,在四天内,我们可能有我们所指望的太平洋潮水到来。
  Besides, an escape attempt might be timely if we were in sight of the coasts of England or Provence, but in the waterways of Papua it's another story.  此外,如果我们是靠近英国或法国南部海岸。逃走计划可能是很及时的, 但目前是在巴布亚海面,那就不同了;
  And we'll always have that as a last resort if the Nautilus doesn't right itself, which I'd regard as a real calamity. 并且,如果诺第留斯号真没有法子脱身,然后再采取这个最后办法,也并不算迟,我总觉得逃走是很严重的事。