英语听书《海底两万里》第315期 第23章 珊瑚王国(12)(在线收听

   Then the funeral party went back up the path to the Nautilus, returning beneath the arches of the forest, through the thickets, along the coral bushes, going steadily higher. 燃后这队送葬的队伍沿着原路,在森林的拱形建筑物下,一堆一堆的丛林中间,走过了很长的珊瑚丛,总是往上走,向着诺第留斯号回来。

  Finally the ship's rays appeared. Their luminous trail guided us to the Nautilus. By one o'clock we had returned. 最后,船上的灯光露出了,有一道长长的光线,把我俯一直引到诺第留斯号。我们回到船上的时候,正是一点钟。
  After changing clothes, I climbed onto the platform, and in the grip of dreadfully obsessive thoughts, I sat next to the beacon. 我换了衣服,走上平台,心中正受着可怕思想的缠绕。就走到探照灯旁边坐下。
  Captain Nemo rejoined me. I stood up and said to him: 尼摩船长走到我面前;我站起来,对他说:
  So, as I predicted, that man died during the night? 就是跟我预料的一般, 那人在夜间死了吗?
  Yes, Professor Aronnax, Captain Nemo replied. 是的,阿龙纳斯先生。尼摩船长答。
  And now he rests beside his companions in that coral cemetery? 他现在长眠在他的同伴身边,在那珊瑚墓地中吗?
  And with a sudden gesture, the captain hid his face in his clenched fists, vainly trying to hold back a sob. Then he added: 船长突然用他痉挛的手、 粑脸孔遮住,他没法抑制他发出的更吟, 随后他说:
  There lies our peaceful cemetery, hundreds of feet beneath the surface of the waves! 那里、海波下面几百英尺深的地方,就是我们的安静得墓地!
  At least, captain, your dead can sleep serenely there, out of the reach of sharks! 至少,船长,您的死去的同伴们可以在那里很安静地长眠,不受鲨鱼的欺负!
  Yes, sir, Captain Nemo replied solemnly, of sharks and men! 是的,先生,尼摩船长很严肃地回答,不受鲨鱼和人物欺负。