月亮和六便士 第十章(3)(在线收听

   Mrs. Strickland was the daughter of an Indian civilian, who on his retirement had settled in the depths of the country,  思特里克兰德太太的父亲在印度当过文职官吏,退休以后定居到英国偏远的乡间,

  but it was his habit every August to take his family to Eastbourne for change of air;  但每年八月他总要带着一家老小到伊思特堡恩去换一换环境。
  and it was here, when she was twenty, that she met Charles Strickland.  她就是在那里认识了查理斯·思特里克兰德的。
  He was twenty-three. They played together, walked on the front together, listened together to the nigger minstrels;  那一年她二十岁,思特里克兰德二十三岁。他们一起打网球,在滨海大路上散步,听黑人流浪歌手唱歌。
  and she had made up her mind to accept him a week before he proposed to her.  在他正式提出以前一个星期她已经决心接受他的求婚了。
  They lived in London, first in Hampstead, and then, as he grew more prosperous, in town. Two children were born to them. 他们在伦敦定居下来,开始时住在汉普斯台德区,后来他们的生活逐渐富裕起来,便搬到市区里来。他们有两个孩子。
  He always seemed very fond of them. Even if he was tired of me, I wonder that he had the heart to leave them.  “他好象一直很喜欢这两个孩子。即使他对我厌倦了,我不理解他怎么会忍心把孩子也抛弃了。
  It's all so incredible. Even now I can hardly believe it's true. 这一切简直令人不能置信。到了今天我也不能相信这会是真事。”
  At last she showed me the letter he had written. I was curious to see it, but had not ventured to ask for it. 最后她把他写来的信拿出来给我看。我本来就有些好奇,可是一直没敢大胆提出来。
  "MY DEAR AMY,I think you will find everything all right in the flat.  亲爱的阿美:我想你会发现家中一切都已安排好。
  I have given Anne your instructions, and dinner will be ready for you and the children when you come.  你嘱咐安妮的事我都已转告她。你同孩子到家以后晚饭会给你们准备好。
  I shall not be there to meet you. I have made up my mind to live apart from you, and I am going to Paris in the morning.  我将不能迎接你们了。我已决心同你分居另过,明晨我就去巴黎。
  I shall post this letter on my arrival. I shall not come back. My decision is irrevocable." 这封信我等到巴黎后再发出。我不回来了。我的决定不能更改了。
  "Yours always,CHARLES STRICKLAND.""" 永远是你的,查理斯·思特里克兰德
  Not a word of explanation or regret. Don't you think it's inhuman? “没有一句解释的话,也丝毫没有表示歉仄不安。你是不是觉得这人太没有人性了?”
  It's a very strange letter under the circumstances, I replied. “在这种情况下这封信是很奇怪,”我回答。
  There's only one explanation, and that is that he's not himself.  “只有一个解释,那就是他人已经变了。
  I don't know who this woman is who's got hold of him, but she's made him into another man.  我不知道是哪个女人把他抓在手掌里,但是她肯定把他变成另外一个人了。
  It's evidently been going on a long time. 事情非常清楚,这件事已经进行了很长一段时间了。”
  What makes you think that? “你这么想有什么根据?”
  Fred found that out. My husband said he went to the club three or four nights a week to play bridge.  “弗雷德已经发现了。我丈夫总是说每星期他要去俱乐部打三四个晚上桥牌。
  Fred knows one of the members, and said something about Charles being a great bridge-player.  弗雷德认识那个俱乐部的一个会员,有一次同他说起查理斯喜欢打桥牌的事。
  The man was surprised. He said he'd never even seen Charles in the card-room.  这个人非常惊讶,他说他从来没有在玩牌的屋子看见过查理斯。
  It's quite clear now that when I thought Charles was at his club he was with her. 这就非常清楚了,我以为查理斯在俱乐部的时间,实际上他是在同那个女人厮混。”