月亮和六便士 第十二章(4)(在线收听

   I began to be more puzzled than before. It was true that his hotel pointed to the most straitened circumstances. 我比以前更糊涂了。当然,从他住的旅馆看,他的经济情况是非常窘迫的。

  What are you going to do when you've spent that? “把这笔钱花完了你怎么办?”
  Earn some. “再去挣一点儿。”
  He was perfectly cool, and his eyes kept that mocking smile which made all I said seem rather foolish.  他冷静得要命,眼睛里始终闪露着讪笑,倒仿佛我在说一些愚不可及的蠢话似的。
  I paused for a little while to consider what I had better say next. But it was he who spoke first. 我停了一会儿,考虑下面该怎么说。但是这回他倒先开口了。
  Why doesn't Amy marry again? She's comparatively young, and she's not unattractive.  “为什么阿美不重新嫁人呢?她年纪并不老,也还有吸引人的地方。
  I can recommend her as an excellent wife.  我还可以推荐一下:她是个贤妻。
  If she wants to divorce me I don't mind giving her the necessary grounds. 如果她想同我离婚,我完全可以给她制造她需要的借口。”
  Now it was my turn to smile.  现在该轮到我发笑了。
  He was very cunning, but it was evidently this that he was aiming at.  他很狡猾,但是他谁也瞒不过,这才是他的真正目的呢。
  He had some reason to conceal the fact that he had run away with a woman, and he was using every precaution to hide her whereabouts.  由于某种原因,他必须把自己同另外一个女人私奔的事隐瞒着,他采取了一切预防措施把那个女人的行踪隐藏起来。
  I answered with decision. 我斩钉截铁地说:
  Your wife says that nothing you can do will ever induce her to divorce you.  “你的妻子说,不论你用什么手段她也不同你离婚。
  She's quite made up her mind. You can put any possibility of that definitely out of your head. 她已经打定主意了。我劝你还是死了这条心吧。”
  He looked at me with an astonishment that was certainly not feigned.  他非常惊讶地紧紧盯着我,显然不是在装假。
  The smile abandoned his lips, and he spoke quite seriously. 笑容从他嘴角上消失了,他一本正经地说:
  But, my dear fellow, I don't care. It doesn't matter a twopenny damn to me one way or the other. “但是,亲爱的朋友,我才不管她怎么做呢。她同我离婚也好,不离婚也好,我都无所谓。”
  I laughed. Oh, come now; you mustn't think us such fools as all that.  我笑了起来。“噢,算了吧!你别把我们当成那样的傻瓜了。
  We happen to know that you came away with a woman. 我们凑巧知道你是同一个女人一起走的。”
  He gave a little start, and then suddenly burst into a shout of laughter.  他愣了一下,但是马上就哈哈大笑起来。
  He laughed so uproariously that people sitting near us looked round, and some of them began to laugh too. 他笑得声音那么响,连坐在我们旁边的人都好奇地转过头来,甚至还有几个人也跟着笑起来。
  I don't see anything very amusing in that. “我看不出这有什么可笑的。”
  Poor Amy, he grinned. “可怜的阿美,”他笑容未消地说。
  Then his face grew bitterly scornful. 接着,他的面容一变而为鄙夷不屑的样子。
  What poor minds women have got! Love. It's always love.  “女人的脑子太可怜了!爱情。她们就知道爱情。
  They think a man leaves only because he wants others.  她们认为如果男人离开了她们就是因为又有了新宠。
  Do you think I should be such a fool as to do what I've done for a woman? 你是不是认为我是这么一个傻瓜,还要再做一遍我已经为一个女人做过了的那些事?”