英语听书《海底两万里》第376期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(2)(在线收听

 Accordingly, our speed was twenty-five miles (that is, twelve four-kilometer leagues) per hour.  因此,我们的速度是每小时二十五海里,即每里为四千米的十二里。

Needless to say, Ned Land had to give up his escape plans, much to his distress.  那不用说,尼德·兰很难过,只有放弃他的逃走计划。
Swept along at the rate of twelve to thirteen meters per second, he could hardly make use of the skiff.  这样每秒十二至十三米的速度,他不可能使用那只小艇。
Leaving the Nautilus under these conditions would have been like jumping off a train racing at this speed, a rash move if there ever was one.  在这种条件下离开诺第留斯号,那等于从飞奔的火车上往下跳,简直是粗心大意的行为。
Moreover, to renew our air supply, the submersible rose to the surface of the waves only at night, and relying solely on compass and log, it steered by dead reckoning. 并且,我们的船夜间才浮上水面来,调换新鲜空气,它单单根据罗盘的度数和测程器的指示来行驶。
Inside the Mediterranean, then, I could catch no more of its fast-passing scenery than a traveler might see from an express train;  所以,我从地中海内部往外看,就像快车上的旅客所看到的他眼前疾驰的风景一样,
in other words, I could view only the distant horizons because the foregrounds flashed by like lightning.  这是说,只看到远远的天际,但是像闪电一般飞过的眼前景致却反而看不见。
But Conseil and I were able to observe those Mediterranean fish whose powerful fins kept pace for a while in the Nautilus's waters.  不过,康塞尔和我,我们仍然可能看见一些地中海的鱼类,它们的鳍的力量可以让它们在诺第留斯号的附近水流中停留一些时帜,
We stayed on watch before the lounge windows, and our notes enable me to reconstruct, in a few words, the ichthyology of this sea. 我也得不到,因为这个神秘人物在这次快速度的航海牛,一次也没有出来。
Among the various fish inhabiting it, some I viewed, others I glimpsed, and the rest I missed completely because of the Nautilus's speed.  我估计诺第留斯号在这海底下所走过的路程约有六百里,而这次旅行,他用四十八小时的时间就完成了。
Kindly allow me to sort them out using this whimsical system of classification. It will at least convey the quickness of my observations. 对我来说,事情很明显,这地中海正处在尼摩船长要逃避的人所居住的陆地中间,他不喜欢这海。
In the midst of the watery mass, brightly lit by our electric beams, there snaked past those one-meter lampreys that are common to nearly every clime.  这海水和这海风给他带来了纵然不是过多的悔恨,也一定是过多的回忆。
A type of ray from the genus Oxyrhynchus, five feet wide, had a white belly with a spotted, ash-gray back and was carried along by the currents like a huge, wide-open shawl.  在这海里,海洋赋予他的那种自由自在的神情姿态,那种独来独往的行动,他现在没有了;他的诺第留斯号在这些非洲和欧洲相接近的海岸中间,也感到气闷。