月亮和六便士 第二十四章(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 24 第二十四章

Shortly before Christmas Dirk Stroeve came to ask me to spend the holiday with him. 圣诞节前不久,戴尔克·施特略夫来邀请我同他们一起过节。
He had a characteristic sentimentality about the day and wanted to pass it among his friends with suitable ceremonies. 圣诞节总是使他有些感伤(这也是他性格的一个特点),他希望能同几个朋友一起按照适宜的礼规庆祝一下这个节日。
Neither of us had seen Strickland for two or three weeks—I because I had been busy with friends who were spending a little while in Paris, and Stroeve because, 我们两人都有两三个星期没有见到思特里克兰德了;我是因为忙着陪几个来巴黎短期逗留的朋友,施特略夫则因为
having quarreled with him more violently than usual, he had made up his mind to have nothing more to do with him. 上次同他大吵了一顿决心不同他来往了。思特里克兰德这个人太不懂得人情世故,
Strickland was impossible, and he swore never to speak to him again. 他发誓无论如何也不能再理他了。
But the season touched him with gentle feeling, and he hated the thought of Strickland spending Christmas Day by himself; 但是节日来临,施特略夫的心肠又软下来,说什么他也不能让思特里克兰德一个人闷坐在家里。
he ascribed his own emotions to him, 他认为思特里克兰德的心境必然同他的一样,
and could not bear that on an occasion given up to good-fellowship the lonely painter should be abandoned to his own melancholy. 在这样一个人们理应互相恩爱的日子里,叫这位画家在寂寥冷清中度过实在是一件令人无法忍受的事。
Stroeve had set up a Christmas-tree in his studio, and I suspected that we should both find absurd little presents hanging on its festive branches; 他在自己的画室里布置好一棵圣诞树,我猜想我们每个人都会在点缀起来的树枝上找到一件可笑的小礼品。
but he was shy about seeing Strickland again; it was a little humiliating to forgive so easily insults so outrageous, 但是他有点不好意思去找思特里克兰德;这么容易就宽恕了使他丢尽脸面的侮辱未免有失身份,
and he wished me to be present at the reconciliation on which he was determined. 他虽然决心同思特里克兰德和解,却希望主动去拜访他时我也在场。
We walked together down the Avenue de Clichy, but Strickland was not in the cafe. 我们一起步行到克利舍路,但是思特里克兰德并没有在咖啡馆里。
It was too cold to sit outside, and we took our places on leather benches within. 天气很冷,不能再坐在室外了。我们走进屋子里,在皮面座椅上坐下。
It was hot and stuffy, and the air was gray with smoke. 屋子里又热又闷,空气因为烟雾弥漫而变得灰蒙蒙的。
Strickland did not come, but presently we saw the French painter who occasionally played chess with him. 思特里克兰德没在屋子里,但是我们很快就发现了偶尔同思特里克兰德一起下棋的那个法国画家。
I had formed a casual acquaintance with him, and he sat down at our table. 我同他也小有往来,他在我们的桌子旁边坐下。
Stroeve asked him if he had seen Strickland. 施特略夫问他看见思特里克兰德没有。