月亮和六便士 第二十六章(2)(在线收听

 Though his means were adequate to the needs of himself and his wife, he certainly had no money to waste; 尽管他的收入一向只够维持夫妻两人的生活,从来就不宽裕,

but now he was wantonly extravagant in the purchase of delicacies, out of season and dear, which might tempt Strickland's capricious appetite. 现在他却大手大脚,购买时令已过、价钱昂贵的美味,想方设法叫思特里克兰德多吃一点东西(他的胃口时好时坏,叫人无法捉摸)。
I shall never forget the tactful patience with which he persuaded him to take nourishment. 我什么时候也忘不了他劝说思特里克兰德增加营养的那种耐心和手腕。
He was never put out by Strickland's rudeness; 不论思特里克兰德对他多么没礼貌,他也从来不动火。
if it was merely sullen, he appeared not to notice it; if it was aggressive, he only chuckled. 如果对方只是郁闷懊丧,他就假装看不到;如果对方顶撞他,他只是一笑置之。
When Strickland, recovering somewhat, was in a good humour and amused himself by laughing at him, 当思特里克兰德身体好了一些,情绪高起来,嘲笑他几句开开心,
he deliberately did absurd things to excite his ridicule. 他就做出一些滑稽的举动来,故意给对方更多讥笑的机会。
Then he would give me little happy glances, so that I might notice in how much better form the patient was. Stroeve was sublime. 他会高兴地递给我几个眼色,叫我知道病人已经大有起色了。施特略夫实在是个大好人。
But it was Blanche who most surprised me. 但是更使我感到吃惊的还是勃朗什。
She proved herself not only a capable, but a devoted nurse. 她证明了自己不仅是一个能干的、而且是一个专心致志的护士。
There was nothing in her to remind you that she had so vehemently struggled against her husband's wish to bring Strickland to the studio. 你再也不会想到她曾一度激烈地反对过自己的丈夫,坚决不同意把思特里克兰德带回到家里来。
She insisted on doing her share of the offices needful to the sick. 病人需要照料的地方很多,她坚持要尽到自己一部分责任。
She arranged his bed so that it was possible to change the sheet without disturbing him. She washed him. 她整理病人的床铺,尽量做到在撤换床单时不惊扰病人。她给病人洗浴。
When I remarked on her competence, she told me with that pleasant little smile of hers that for a while she had worked in a hospital. 当我称赞她的能干时,她脸上露出惯有的微笑,告诉我她曾经在一家医院做过一段事。
She gave no sign that she hated Strickland so desperately. 她丝毫不让人看出来,她曾经那样讨厌过思特里克兰德。
She did not speak to him much, but she was quick to forestall his wants. 她同他说话不多,但是不管他有什么需要,她都很快地就能知道。
For a fortnight it was necessary that someone should stay with him all night, and she took turns at watching with her husband. 有两个星期思特里克兰德整夜都需要有人看护,她就和她丈夫轮班守夜。
I wondered what she thought during the long darkness as she sat by the bedside. 我真想知道,在她坐在病床旁边度过漫漫长夜时心里在想些什么。