英语听书《海底两万里》第401期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(27)(在线收听

 The volcanic nature of this enormous pit was apparent all around us. I ventured to comment on it to my companions. 这所巨大洞穴是由火山所形成的,已在很多处得到证实。我对我的同伴们指出,要他们注意。

Can you picture, I asked them, what this funnel must have been like when it was filled with boiling lava, and the level of that incandescent liquid rose right to the mountain's mouth, like cast iron up the insides of a furnace? 你们想想,我问他们,当这个漏斗里面充满沸腾的火石,并且这种白热流质的水平面一直高到山的出口,像熔铁在熔炉里一样,那时候漏斗的情形是怎样呢?
I can picture it perfectly, Conseil replied. But will master tell me why this huge smelter suspended operations, and how it is that an oven was replaced by the tranquil waters of a lake? 我心中完全可以想象这种情形,康塞尔回答,但先生是否可以告诉我,那位伟大的熔铸人为什么停止他的工作,那熔炉里面怎样又换了静静的湖水?
In all likelihood, Conseil, because some convulsion created an opening below the surface of the ocean, the opening that serves as a passageway for the Nautilus.  康塞尔,很可能的理由大概是因为海洋底下发生地形的变化,造成了现在作为诺第留斯号的航道的出口。
Then the waters of the Atlantic rushed inside the mountain.  大西洋的海水于是流入火山内部来了。
There ensued a dreadful struggle between the elements of fire and water, a struggle ending in King Neptune's favor.  当时水火两元素展开了猛烈的斗争,斗争的结果是涅豆尼海王胜利。
But many centuries have passed since then, and this submerged volcano has changed into a peaceful cavern. 但此后又不知道过了多少世纪,被水沉没的火山,就转变为安静乎和的岩洞。
That's fine, Ned Land answered. I accept the explanation, but in our personal interests, I'm sorry this opening the professor mentions wasn't made above sea level. 很好,尼德·兰回答,我接受上面的解释,不过,为我们的利益起见,我很惋惜教授说的那个口为什么不开在海平面上。
But Ned my friend, Conseil answered, if it weren't an underwater passageway, the Nautilus couldn't enter it! 不过,尼德朋友,康塞尔回答,如果这口不是在地下,那诺第留斯号就不能穿进来了!
And I might add, Mr. Land, I said, that the waters wouldn't have rushed under the mountain, and the volcano would still be a volcano. So you have nothing to be sorry about. 兰师傅,我又得说,如果海水不从山底下冲进去,火山也还是火山。所以您的惋惜是多余的。