月亮和六便士 第五十五章(9)(在线收听

 "But Ata did not send for me," the doctor went on, at last, "and it chanced that I did not go to that part of the island for a long time. “但是爱塔并没有叫我去,”医生最后继续说,“我凑巧也有很长时间没有机会到那个地区去。

I had no news of Strickland. 关于思特里克兰德我什么消息也没听到。
Once or twice I heard that Ata had been to Papeete to buy painting materials, but I did not happen to see her. 有一两次我听说爱塔到帕皮提来买绘画用品,但是我都没有看见她。
More than two years passed before I went to Taravao again, and then it was once more to see the old chiefess. 大约过了两年多,我才又去了一趟塔拉窝,仍然是给那个女酋长看病。
I asked them whether they had heard anything of Strickland. 我问那地方的人,他们听到过思特里克兰德的什么消息没有。
By now it was known everywhere that he had leprosy. 这时候,思特里克兰德害了麻风病的事已经到处都传开了。
First Tane, the boy, had left the house, and then, a little time afterwards, the old woman and her grandchild. 首先是那个男孩子塔耐离开了他们住的地方,不久以后,老太婆带着她的孙女儿也走了。
Strickland and Ata were left alone with their babies. 后来只剩下思特里克兰德、爱塔和他们的孩子了。
No one went near the plantation, for, as you know, the natives have a very lively horror of the disease, 没有人走近他们的椰子园。当地的土人对这种病怕得要命,这你是知道的;
and in the old days when it was discovered the sufferer was killed; 在过去的日子里,害麻风病的人一被发现就被活活儿打死。
but sometimes, when the village boys were scrambling about the hills, they would catch sight of the white man, with his great red beard, wandering about. 但是有时候村里的小孩到山上去玩,偶然会看到这个留着大红胡子的白人在附近游荡。
They fled in terror. 孩子们一看见他就象吓掉了魂儿似地没命地跑掉。
Sometimes Ata would come down to the village at night and arouse the trader, so that he might sell her various things of which she stood in need. 有时候爱塔半夜到村子里来,叫醒开杂货店的人买一些她需要的东西。
She knew that the natives looked upon her with the same horrified aversion as they looked upon Strickland, and she kept out of their way. 她知道村子里的人对她也同样又害怕又厌恶,正象对待思特里克兰德一样,因此她总是避开他们。
Once some women, venturing nearer than usual to the plantation, saw her washing clothes in the brook, and they threw stones at her. 又有一次有几个女人奓着胆子走到他们住的椰子园附近,这次她们走得比哪次都近,看见爱塔正在小溪里洗衣服,她们向她投掷了一阵石块。
After that the trader was told to give her the message that if she used the brook again men would come and burn down her house." 这次事件发生以后,村里的杂货商就被通知给爱塔传递一个消息:以后如果她再用那条溪水,人们就要来把她的房子烧掉。”
"Brutes," I said. “这些混帐东西。”我说。
"Mais non, mon cher monsieur, men are always the same. “别这么说,我亲爱的先生,人们都是这样的。
Fear makes them cruel.... 恐惧使人们变得残酷无情……
I decided to see Strickland, and when I had finished with the chiefess asked for a boy to show me the way. 我决定去看看思特里克兰德。当我给女酋长看好病以后,我想找一个男孩子给我带路,
But none would accompany me, and I was forced to find it alone." 但是没有一个人肯陪我去,最后还是我一个人摸索着去了。”