月亮和六便士 第五十五章(11)(在线收听

 She went to the house, ascended the few steps that led to the verandah, and entered. 爱塔向屋子走去,登上几层台阶,走上阳台,然后进了屋子。

Dr. Coutras followed her, but waited outside in obedience to her gesture. 库特拉斯医生跟在她身后,但是走到门口的时候却听从她的手势在外边站住。
As she opened the door he smelt the sickly sweet smell which makes the neighbourhood of the leper nauseous. 爱塔打开房门以后,他闻到一股腥甜气味;在麻风病患者居住的地方总是有这种令人作呕的气味。
He heard her speak, and then he heard Strickland's answer, but he did not recognise the voice. 他听见爱塔说了句什么,以后他听见思特里克兰德的语声,但是他却一点儿也听不出这是思特里克兰德的声音。
It had become hoarse and indistinct. 这声音变得非常沙哑、模糊不清。
Dr. Coutras raised his eyebrows. 库特拉斯医生扬了一下眉毛。
He judged that the disease had already attacked the vocal chords. 他估计病菌已经侵袭了病人的声带了。
Then Ata came out again. 过了一会儿,爱塔从屋子里走出来。
"He will not see you. You must go away." “他不愿意见你。你快走吧。”
Dr. Coutras insisted, but she would not let him pass. 库特拉斯医生一定要看看病人,但是爱塔拦住他,不叫他进去。
Dr. Coutras shrugged his shoulders, and after a moment's rejection turned away. 库特拉斯医生耸了耸肩膀;他想了一会儿,便转身走去。
She walked with him. 她跟在他身边。
He felt that she too wanted to be rid of him. 医生觉得,她也希望自己马上离开。
"Is there nothing I can do at all?" he asked. “有没有什么事我可以替你做的?”他问。
"You can send him some paints," she said. "There is nothing else he wants." “你可以给他送点儿油彩来,”她说。“别的什么他都不要。”
"Can he paint still?" “他还能画画儿吗?”
"He is painting the walls of the house." “他正在往墙上画壁画儿。”
"This is a terrible life for you, my poor child." “你的生活真不容易啊,可怜的孩子。”
Then at last she smiled, and there was in her eyes a look of superhuman love. 她的脸上终于露出了笑容,眼睛里放射出一种爱的光辉,一种人世上罕见的爱情的光辉。
Dr. Coutras was startled by it, and amazed. 她的目光叫库特拉斯医生吓了一跳。
And he was awed. He found nothing to say. 他感到非常惊异,甚至产生了敬畏之感。他不知道自己该说什么。
"He is my man," she said. “他是我的男人。”她说。
"Where is your other child?" he asked. "When I was here last you had two." “你们的那个孩子呢?”医生问道,“我上次来,记得你们是有两个小孩儿的。”
"Yes; it died. We buried it under the mango." “是有两个。那个已经死了。我们把他埋在芒果树底下了。”
When Ata had gone with him a little way she said she must turn back. 爱塔陪着医生走了一小段路以后,就对医生说,她得回去了。
Dr. Coutras surmised she was afraid to go farther in case she met any of the people from the village. 库特拉斯医生猜测,她不敢往更远里走,怕遇见村子里的人。
He told her again that if she wanted him she had only to send and he would come at once. 他又跟她说了一遍,如果她需要他,只要捎个话去,他一定会来的。