月亮和六便士 第五十六章(2)(在线收听

 "Mon Dieu, I hope the sun hasn't affected me," he muttered. “上帝啊,我不是被太阳晒昏了吧,”他喃喃自语道。

A slight movement attracted his attention, and he saw that Ata was lying on the floor, sobbing quietly. 一个人影晃动了一下,引起他的注意,他发现爱塔正躺在地板上,低声呜咽着。
"Ata," he called. "Ata." “爱塔,”他喊道,“爱塔。”
She took no notice. 她没有理睬他。
Again the beastly stench almost made him faint, and he lit a cheroot. 屋子里的腥臭味又一次差点儿把他熏倒,他点了一支方头雪茄。
His eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, and now he was seized by an overwhelming sensation as he stared at the painted walls. 他的眼睛已经完全适应屋里的朦胧光线了。他凝视着墙上的绘画,心中激荡着无法控制的感情。
He knew nothing of pictures, but there was something about these that extraordinarily affected him. 他对于绘画并不怎么内行,但是墙上的这些画却使他感到激动。
From floor to ceiling the walls were covered with a strange and elaborate composition. 四面墙上,从地板一直到天花板,展开一幅奇特的、精心绘制的巨画,
It was indescribably wonderful and mysterious. 非常奇妙,也非常神秘。
It took his breath away. 库特拉斯医生几乎连呼吸都停止了。
It filled him with an emotion which he could not understand or analyse. 他心中出现了一种既无法理解、又不能分析的感情。
He felt the awe and the delight which a man might feel who watched the beginning of a world. 如果能够这样比较的话,也许一个人看到开天辟地之初就是怀着这种欣喜而又畏服的感觉的。
It was tremendous, sensual, passionate; 这幅画具有压人的气势,它既是肉欲的,又充满无限热情。
and yet there was something horrible there, too, something which made him afraid. 与此同时它又含着某种令人恐惧的成分,叫人看着心惊肉跳。
It was the work of a man who had delved into the hidden depths of nature and had discovered secrets which were beautiful and fearful too. 绘制这幅巨作的人已经深入到大自然的隐秘中,探索到某种既美丽、又可怕的秘密。
It was the work of a man who knew things which it is unholy for men to know. 这个人知道了一般人所不该知道的事物。
There was something primeval there and terrible. It was not human. 他画出来的是某种原始的、令人震骇的东西,是不属于人世尘寰的。
It brought to his mind vague recollections of black magic. It was beautiful and obscene. 库特拉斯医生模模糊糊地联想到黑色魔法,既美得惊人,又污秽邪恶。