英语听书《海底两万里》第427期 第26章 大头鲸和长须鲸(8)(在线收听

 Indeed, larger blocks of ice soon appeared, their brilliance varying at the whim of the mists.  果然,不久就有更大的冰块出现,雪白的光辉随着云雾的任意变换而不同。

Some of these masses displayed green veins, as if scrawled with undulating lines of copper sulfate.  有些冰块现出绿色脉管,就象那硫酸铜在上面画的波纹线条一样。
Others looked like enormous amethysts, letting the light penetrate their insides.  别的冰块类似巨大紫色水晶,又让米线穿逐里面去。
The latter reflected the sun's rays from the thousand facets of their crystals.  后者映着阳光,在它们晶体的无数切面上反映出闪闪光芒。
The former, tinted with a bright limestone sheen, would have supplied enough building material to make a whole marble town. 前者带有石灰石强烈辐射的无限色度,可能足够建筑整整一座大理石的城市。
The farther down south we went, the more these floating islands grew in numbers and prominence.  我们愈往南,这些漂流的冰岛就愈来愈多,而且愈来愈大,
Polar birds nested on them by the thousands.  南极的鸟类千百成群地在岛上营巢,
These were petrels, cape pigeons, or puffins, and their calls were deafening.  这是海燕、棋鸟和海鸭,它们吱吱喳喳的叫声震得我们耳聋。
Mistaking the Nautilus for the corpse of a whale, some of them alighted on it and prodded its resonant sheet iron with pecks of their beaks. 有些鸟把诺第留斯号当作鲸鱼的尸体,飞到上面来,拿嘴啄那钢板,发出响声。
During this navigating in the midst of the ice, Captain Nemo often stayed on the platform.  当船在冰块中间航行的时候,尼摩船长时常在乎台上。
He observed these deserted waterways carefully.  他很留心观察这一带人迹不到的海面。
I saw his calm eyes sometimes perk up.  我看见他的镇定眼光有时候激动起来。
In these polar seas forbidden to man, did he feel right at home, the lord of these unreachable regions?  他心中是不是说,在这些人迹不能到达的南极海中,他是在自己家中了。他是这些不可超越的空间的主人吗?
Perhaps. But he didn't say.  或者是。但他不说。
He stood still, reviving only when his pilot's instincts took over.  他留在那里不动,只是当他意识到自己是船的驾驶人的时候,他心神才回复过来。
Then, steering his Nautilus with consummate dexterity, he skillfully dodged the masses of ice, some of which measured several miles in length, their heights varying from seventy to eighty meters. 他于是巧妙无比地指挥着他的诺第留斯号,很灵便地躲开了那些大冰块的冲击,有些冰块是长到几海里,高七十至八十米不等。
Often the horizon seemed completely closed off.  前面天边有时看来是完全封闭不能通行。
Abreast of latitude 60 degrees, every passageway had disappeared.  在南纬60度海面上,什么通路都没有。
Searching with care, Captain Nemo soon found a narrow opening into which he brazenly slipped, well aware, however, that it would close behind him. 但尼摩船长小心找寻,不久就发现一条窄口,他驾驶着船,大胆从窄口进去,同时他又很知道,这窄口在他过后便要封闭的。