英语听书《海底两万里》第550期 第34章 大屠杀(11)(在线收听

 The surface of this long sheet-iron cigar no longer offered a single protrusion that could hamper its maneuvers. 在这根长长的钢铁雪茄表面,连一处妨碍它行动的细小突出部分也没有。 

I returned to the lounge.  我回到了客厅。
The Nautilus still emerged above the surface.  “鹦鹉螺号”船只一直浮在水面上。
A few morning gleams infiltrated the liquid strata.  几缕晨光渗进水里,
Beneath the undulations of the billows, the windows were enlivened by the blushing of the rising sun.  在晃动的水波下,玻璃窗映射出红色的朝阳。
That dreadful day of June 2 had dawned. 恐怖的6月2日来临了。
At seven o'clock the log told me that the Nautilus had reduced speed. 7点钟,测速器指示“鹦鹉螺号”的速度正在减慢。
I realized that it was letting the warship approach.  我明白它在故意让敌手靠近。
Moreover, the explosions grew more intensely audible.  此外,爆炸声更加密集。
Shells furrowed the water around us, drilling through it with an odd hissing sound. 炮弹撒播在四周的海水中,奇特地呼啸着掉进水中。
"My friends," I said, "it's time.  “我的朋友们,”我说,“时候到了。
Let's shake hands, and may God be with us!" 让我们握握手,愿上帝保佑我们!” 
Ned Land was determined, Conseil calm, I myself nervous and barely in control. 这时尼德·兰神情坚决,康塞尔很平静,而我却很紧张,我勉强地控制住自己。
We went into the library. 我们走进图书室。
Just as I pushed open the door leading to the well of the central companionway, I heard the hatch close sharply overhead. 当我推开通向中央扶梯的门时,我听到上面的嵌板突然啪地关上。
The Canadian leaped up the steps, but I stopped him.  加拿大人想跃上阶梯,但我拦住他。
A well-known hissing told me that water was entering the ship's ballast tanks.  非常熟悉的咝咝声使我明白,水正在渗进船上的储水器里。
Indeed, in a few moments the Nautilus had submerged some meters below the surface of the waves. 的确,过了一会,“鹦鹉螺号”就潜入水波下几米。
I understood this maneuver.   我明白“鹦鹉螺号”的意图,
It was too late to take action.  现在行动已经太迟了。