听歌学英语:对的那个人 She's The One(在线收听

I was her. She was me 她曾经是我,我曾经是她
We were one. We were free 我们曾是一体,我们曾经自由
And if there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人

We were young. We were wrong 我们曾经年轻,我们曾经犯错
We were fine all along 我们曾经一切都好
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人

When you get to where you wanna go 当到达想要去的地方
And you know the things you wanna know 当你知道想要知道的一切
You're smiling 你在微笑
When you said what you wanna say 当你说了想说的
And you know the way you wanna play,yeah 当你明白想要怎么做
You'll be so high you'll be flying 你会飞得很高
Though the sea will be strong 虽然风浪很大
I know we'll carry on 我们仍会坚持
'Cos if there's somebody calling me on 因为如果有人在召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人在召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人

When you get to where you wanna go 当到达想要去的地方
And you know the things you wanna know 当你知道想要知道的一切
You're smiling 你在微笑
When you said what you wanna say 当你说话时,你说了你想说的
And you know the way you wanna play,yeah 你知道该怎么走你的路
You'll be so high you'll be flying 你会飞得很高

I was her. She was me 她曾经是我,我曾经是她
We were one. We were free 我们曾是一体,我们曾经自由
And if there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人
Yeah she's the one 她就是那个人
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人
If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我
She's the one 她就是那个人

歌词里面反复出现了一个词组叫做call sb on,意思为‘召唤某人、拜访某人’
Frequently he was called on to resolve conflicts. 不断有人要求他出面解决冲突。
I shall call on you next week.我下星期去看你

all that jazz诸如此类
He only cares about basketball, TV, girls, and all that jazz.他只关心篮球、电视、女孩这一类事情。

Now is not the time for sentimentality.现在不是多愁善感的时候。
sentimentality[sentimen't?liti] n.多愁善感, 伤感

It can't be less interesting. (这句话比较容易误解为‘它不可能没有趣’)。正确理解为:
A:How's the movie?
B: It can't be less interesting.

There's a natural order to things.You can't just do as you please.事物都有自然法则。你不能随心所欲。

I can't get past the feeling that I know you.老觉的我认识你/老觉得我在哪里见过你。
get past:越过;超过

let someone have it让某人好看
Next time I see Rick, I’m going to let him have it.下次看到Rick,我一定让他好看。

Two roads diverged in a wood, andI I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.树林里分出两条路,我选择了人迹更少的一条,而这,从此决定了我一生的道路。(diverged v 分开,叉开; 偏离,背离)

My whole life I've been searching for truth. I've been trying to figture out why I never seem to fit in to the life that was supposed to be mine. But this is it. This is who I am. This is where I belong. Right here with you. I love you. I've known it from the first moment I saw you.
我一生都在寻找真相,想知道为什么我从来无法容入我应有的生活。现在我找到我要的答案了,我属于你, 你就是我的归宿。我爱你。从看到你的第一眼我就认定了
