考研英语长难句讲解 第322期(在线收听

 2004 考研写作样句

7、Examples to prove the above view are abundant.
【分析】此句是具体描述图中内容、给出结论后,展开举例论证的过渡句,下文将一一列举具体事例。本句可以替换为 There are many examples found to that …;There are quantities of examples at hand to Port the fact that …;There exist a lot of precedents showing that…等。?
8、It goes without saying that if she had been content with being just a regional or national champion and stopped practicing, she wouldn't have accomplished so much and become world-famous.
【分析】本句是举例论证中的句子,对前文的具体实例作出评论,提示主题。It goes without saying that...意为“不用说…,不言而喻,…”,可以替换为Of course,…或者 Needless to say,…。