舌尖上的中国第1季 第10期:自然的馈赠-莲藕(2)(在线收听

 Before last Spring Festival, the price of lotus root shot up, attracting more workers to Jiayu. 去年春节前,莲藕的价格不错,这吸引了大批的职业挖藕人来到嘉鱼。

My waist hurts, one of my arms aches, and one of my legs is tingling. My stomach also hurts. 我的腰疼,一个胳膊疼,一个腿呀有点刺痛,胃也不太舒服。
My wife has urged me to take good care of myself. 我家里老婆她也说了,她说你在外面要照顾好自己。
We certainly hope the price can be higher only for the sake of our livelihood and earnings. 我们肯定希望藕的价钱卖得高,就是为了生活多挣几个钱。
The workers like cold weather. 挖藕的人喜欢天气寒冷。
Not because the cold can make the work easier, but because on cold days, more people cook lotus root soups, which can create a price hike. 这不是因为天冷好挖藕,而是天气冷买藕吃藕汤的人就多一些,藕的价格就会涨。
Hubei people usually use lotus root to cook soup. 在湖北藕最常见的做法就是煮汤。
In Wuhan and other parts in central Hubei, Stewed ribs with lotus root is a common dish. 这是武汉及鄂中一带的家常菜,莲藕炖排骨。
Nearly all local households cook this soup once or twice every month. 在湖北,几乎所有人家,在每月都要煨一两次排骨藕汤。
Put pork rib cubes in an earthenware pot, then simmer them on slow heat for an hour in the boiled soup. 选肉厚的猪胸骨切块儿放入砂锅烧开后,小火煨一小时,将新鲜的藕刮皮洗净。
After adding in peeled lotus root cubes, use high heat until the soup boils. 切块儿入汤,先猛火,滚开后。
It will be finished after being stewed for another half an hour. 小火煨半小时即成。
It's us that have dug them out. 因为这是出自我们的手。
When we see lotus roots at markets, we get a special feeling. 我们在那个市场上看到藕,我们心里就有一种特别的感觉。
It's us that dug them out, right?We certainly feel that way.We feel close to them. 这个藕是不是我们挖出来的?那肯定有这种感觉。有一种亲密感。
5 more months are still needed to finish the harvest in the lake. 整整一湖的莲藕,还要采摘5个月的时间。
At the Zhen Lake, 300 professional workers work from sunrise to sunset every day. 在嘉鱼县的珍湖上,300个职业挖藕人每天从日出延续到日落。
In Hubei, abundant in freshwater lakes, the same scene takes place every year. 在中国遍布淡水湖的大省,这样的场面年年上演。