舌尖上的中国第1季 第29期:转化的灵感(3)(在线收听

 The ancient town of Shiping is less than 40km from Jianshui. 石屏县在距离建水不到四十公里的古城石屏。

Tofu here has a completely different look. 这里的豆腐在气质上却大为不同。
The finished product is shockingly big. 成型的豆腐,体积大得惊人。
But it's unusually tenacious. And it almost doesn't crumble. 难得的是它们极富韧性,几乎不会破损。
A dash of salt can best preserve the tofu's freshness. 少许的盐,就可以最大程度的保鲜。
Yunnan has never been a major soybean production area, but it has a long history of making tofu. 中国的云南历来不是大豆的主要产区,可却不妨碍这里拥有悠久的豆腐历史。
One corn for one piece of tofu. 吃一颗豆腐,投一粒玉米。
There is a tacit agreement between the buyer and the seller. 用这种方法计数,买卖双方十分默契。
4 Yuan for another 2 pieces. 再吃两个四块。
For the past 3 decades, Yao's tofu stall has never been quiet. 三十年来姚贵文的豆腐摊上很少冷清过。
It takes half an hour to walk from the stall to home and Yao has to go across almost the entire town. 从豆腐摊回家要走三十分钟几乎横穿老城。
The rapid development has changed many aspects of Jianshui. 发展的速度飞快这改变了建水的很多事情。
As time goes by, some variables have disappeared and others, altered. 在漫长的时间里一些变数消失了,一些变数被修改。
New ones are also added. 还有新的变数加入进来。
But there are some that stand the tests of time and remain. 总有一些经得起时间的磨砺保留了下来。
The Yaos' life centered on tofu is watery and hard. 姚贵文和王翠华围绕着豆腐的生活清淡辛苦。
The biggest wish of the husband is to fish in the big lake far away. 丈夫最大的愿望是能去远方的大湖钓鱼。
He has no merits but only shortcomings. 虽然他从来没有钓过鱼。
Very lazy and clumsy. 又懒,又笨。
You are perfect. 你全部是优点。