舌尖上的中国第1季 第33期:转化的灵感(7)(在线收听

 Mudu, cattle of Mengke, is in the lactation period. “木犊”是孟克的牛,正处在哺乳期。

To get fresh milk from the cow, Mengke's mother has to get permission from the calf. 妈妈要想顺利从母牛那里获得鲜奶得先过小牛这一关。
Fresh milk no longer ferments as easily as during warmer days. 鲜奶已经不像天气暖和时那样容易发酵了。
The mother must hurry to make the milk curd as food reserve for the long winter. 妈妈要抓紧时间赶制酸奶豆腐作为漫长冬天的储备。
The sour cream on the surface is carefully ladled out. 表皮的酸奶油先被小心的舀出来。
And the cream is very precious. 这是很珍贵的部分。
Fermented milk curdles. 发酵的牛奶结成块状的凝乳。
Protein and whey are separated when heated. 蛋白和乳清在火力下分离开。
The whey though won't be wasted as it's best for feeding livestock. 乳清不会被浪费,它们最适合喂牲畜。
You have to keep stirring the juice so that the curdled milk won't stick to the pot. 需要不停的扰动这样,奶团才不会粘到锅底。
When the whey is fully separated, the hot curdled milk is poured into molds. 最后的乳清彻底耗干时奶团被趁热盛进模具中。
Mengke offers the fresh milk curd to his grandfather. 孟克把新鲜的奶豆腐最先递到爷爷面前。
It's the best delicacy. 那是最好的美食。
Heading straight south, an almost identical scene is happening in Yunnan, thousands of miles away. 一直向南,几千公里外的云南几乎是同样的情形。
Thick and heavy chopsticks are moved vigorously. 粗重的木筷被灵活的使用。