舌尖上的中国第1季 第41期:转化的灵感(15)(在线收听

 The longer the time, the more fragrant the wine is. 时间越久,酒越醇香。

Huangjiu's flavor is thick and strong and it stays for long. 黄酒绵长而厚重。
The Chinese can taste both the tenderness and toughness in the wine. 中国人可以从这一种饮品里同时品味出”柔”和”刚”两种境界。
Huangjiu-drinking Shaoxing people are mild and moderate. 饮黄酒的绍兴人,不瘟不火。
And their persistence to the tradition has allowed them to enjoy the time-honored flavor. 他们对传统的固守也有滋有味的流淌在舌尖上。
Almost every household in Shaoxing has soy sauce. 绍兴基本上家家户户都备有酱油。
Soy Sauce is a must in the lives of Shaoxing people, 绍兴人离不开酱油,
which has already become the most distinctive taste identity of Shaoxing, all food can be braised in soy sauce. 这几乎成为绍兴最醒目的一种味觉标记,什么都可以酱一酱再吃。
Enough salt allows food to stay fresh in humidity. 足够的盐度可以让食物在湿潮的环境里久放不坏。
Food rolled in soy sauce gives off a special aroma. 在酱油里翻滚过的任何食物都被赋予了浓重的酱香味。
Local people call it the cuisine of home. 它们被本地人称作”家乡菜”。
Historically, Shaoxing had been a prosperous and abundant land. 这里是自古的繁荣富庶之地。
Even today, many people love to reside by the river, enjoying a relaxed life. 如今,许多人家仍然乐于枕河而居过闲适的日子。
The ancient town of Anchang outside Shaoxing City is built along the river. 城外的安昌古镇,街市临水而建。
It's the season for making preserved meats. 正是做腊味的季节。
Bamboo poles of different length display their abundance. 长短的竹竿上彰显出富足。
The sausage of Anchang is very famous in Zhejiang. 安昌的腊肠在中国的江浙一带很有名气。
Its good flavor is largely attributed to the locally brewed soy sauce. 腊肠浓厚的滋味很大一部分要归功于本地酿造的酱油。
Dozens of giant jars stand in the yard of the sauce shop. 酱园里,露天的空场上排列着上百只硕大的酱缸。
56-year-old Ding Guoyun still works vigorously. 五十六岁的丁国云依然身手矫健。