舌尖上的中国第1季 第44期:时间的味道(1)(在线收听

 Time is a friend of food, and also its enemy. 时间是食物的挚友,时间也是食物的死敌。

New technologies can help preserve food, while traditional preservative techniques may create different, 为了保存食物,我们虽然已经拥有了多种多样的科技化方式,
and even tenderer flavours through salting, air-drying, stewing or smoking procedures. 然而腌腊、风干、糟醉和烟熏等等古老的方法在保鲜之余,也曾意外地让我们获得了与鲜食截然不同有时甚至更加醇厚鲜美的味道。
Today, the renovated traditional foods still influence the Chinese diet, 时至今日,这些被时间二次制造出来的食物依然影响着中国人的日常饮食,
and preserve the unique feeling of the Chinese towards flavour and the world. 并且蕴藏着中华民族对于滋味和世道人心的某种特殊的感触。
The old Hulan River flows gently on an autumn morning. 秋日的清晨,古老的呼兰河水流过原野。
Originating from the Lesser Khingan mountain range, it winds its way to the Songhua River. 它发源于小兴安岭,蜿蜒曲折地注入松花江这条古老的河流。
The river has irrigated the vast land east of Songnen Plain and nourished local people in the past hundreds of years. 千百年来滋润着松嫩平原东部这片广袤的土地,养育着这里的居民。
In September, the fertile black soils along the river yield the best rice in China. 9月,两岸肥沃的黑土孕育出中国最优质的稻米。
Later, ice and snow will turn it into a lifeless world. 在金秋的丰收之后,这里很快又将被冰雪复盖成为一片寸草不生的白色海洋。
The locals have gotten used to storing Chinese cabbages before winter arrives. 在漫长的冬季当地人习惯存储大白菜以备过冬。
Today, fresh vegetables are not rare in winter, 如今虽然都不难在冬季获得新鲜的蔬菜,
but pickles, with a unique flavour, have been indispensable for locals, and become popular worldwide. 但是,这种风味独特的腌制泡菜却已经成为一种让本地人难以割舍甚至正在走向全球化的风味美食。