英语听书《海底两万里》第565期 第36章 结尾(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 23 Conclusion 第廿三章 结尾

We come to the conclusion of this voyage under the seas. 以下是这次海底旅行的结尾。
What happened that night, how the skiff escaped from the Maelstrom's fearsome eddies, 那天晚上发生的一切,小艇是怎么摆脱大漩流那可怕的漩涡的,
how Ned Land, Conseil, and I got out of that whirlpool, I'm unable to say. 我和尼德·兰、康塞尔,我们是怎么逃出那个漩涡的,我都说不上来。
But when I regained consciousness, I was lying in a fisherman's hut on one of the Lofoten Islands. 当我恢复知觉时,我躺在罗佛丹岛一个渔民的小木屋里。
My two companions, safe and sound, were at my bedside clasping my hands. 我的两个同伴也安然无恙地站在我的身边,握着我的手。
We embraced each other heartily. 我们激动得抱在了一起。
Just now we can't even dream of returning to France. 但此刻我们不能马上回到法国。
Travel between upper Norway and the south is limited.  因为挪威北部和南部之间的交通工具很少,
So I have to wait for the arrival of a steamboat that provides bimonthly service from North Cape. 从诺尔角出发经过这里到法国的汽轮半月只有一班,我们只好等待了。
So it is here, among these gallant people who have taken us in, that I'm reviewing my narrative of these adventures. 于是,正是在那里,在收留我们的那些正直的人们中间,我又翻阅了一遍那些历险的记录。
It is accurate. Not a fact has been omitted, not a detail has been exaggerated.  它是准确无误的。没有一个细节被删除和夸大。
It's the faithful record of this inconceivable expedition into an element now beyond human reach, 这是一次对人类无法达到的海底探险的忠实叙述,它看似不真实,
but where progress will someday make great inroads. 但随着科学的进步,总有一天,海底会变通途的。
Will anyone believe me? I don't know.  但人们会相信我吗?我不知道。
Ultimately it's unimportant.  总之,这并不重要。
What I can now assert is that I've earned the right to speak of these seas, beneath which in less than ten months,  现在我能肯定的是,我有资格谈论那在不到10个月的时间里,
I've cleared 20,000 leagues in this underwater tour of the world  我走了20000里的海洋;我有资格谈论这次海底旅行,
that has shown me so many wonders across the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, 在穿越太平洋、印度洋、红海、
the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the southernmost and northernmost seas! 地中海、大西洋、南极,海和北极海时,它们向我显示了那么多的奇观!