向前一步:第102期 如何找到你的人生导师(16)(在线收听

The company operated by moving quickly and tolerating mistakes, 当时公司的运作依靠行动快速、容忍错误的模式。
and lots of people were nervous that I would not just ruin the party, but squash innovation. 许多人都心情紧张,担心我会压制创新。
Naomi Gleit had joined Facebook right out of college several years earlier. 几年前,娜奥米·格雷特在大学毕业后就加入了脸谱网。
As one of Facebook's earliest employees, she had a deep understanding of how the company worked. 作为脸谱网最资深的员工之一,她对公司的运作有着相当深刻的理解。
Naomi and I became close. I bet most people, including Naomi herself, probably assumed that I was mentoring her. 我和娜奥米在业务上频繁接触,我敢打赌,大多数人包括她自己都很可能认为是我在指导她,
But the truth is she mentored me. 但事实却是她在指导我。
She helped me implement the changes that needed to be made and jumped in to stop me from getting things wrong. 她帮助我实现了应有的变革,还及时提醒我避免犯错。
Naomi always told me the truth, even if she thought it would be hard for me to hear. She still does this for me today. 娜奥米总是对我坦诚直言,即使她认为我很难听得进去——直到现在她也仍然在这样做。
Peers can also mentor and sponsor one another. 当然,级别相当的人之间同样可以彼此指导和赞助。
There is a saying that "all advice is autobiographical." 俗话说“所有忠告都是基于忠告者自身的经验”,
Friends at the same stage of their careers may actually provide more current and useful counsel. 处于相同事业阶段的朋友之间也许能提出更加实用的建议。
Several of my older mentors advised me against taking a job at Google in 2001. 2001年,一些比我年长的导师劝我不要接受谷歌的工作,
Yet almost all my peers understood the potential of Silicon Valley. 然而几乎所有与我同龄的朋友都很清楚硅谷的发展潜力。
Peers are also in the trenches and may understand problems that superiors do not, 基层员工由于在一线工作,便可以理解高管人员不理解的一些问题,

especially when those problems are generated by superiors in the first place. 尤其是在问题首先来自高管人员的时候更是如此。 
